Who you going for and how??? I'd love Froch to win this and home advantage may help his cause, but I think Bute's hands will be too quick for Froch to handle. I don't see Froch being stopped or knocked out though. Froch will certainly have his moments, but I just can't see past Bute. I hope i'm wrong. Bute 116-112 Froch.
There have been some very hairy decisions in England recently, but I think Froch is going to get stopped here. I think it could be shockingly one sided. There are lots of reasons to dislike Bute, but the reasons for disliking him are not congruous with those reasons for discounting his chances. Not fighting guys doesn't mean you won't bash them up if and when you finally do.
I only support Ward because he's a light skinned brotha like myself. But no, I don't hope Froch wins. I hope Bute smashes him.
I think this might be Froch's last fight. This is pretty much the last top tier opponent left for him to fight and he is getting on a fair bit. That might just be enough to see him eek out a come from behind, wafer thin decision. MTF
After that Proska affair in England, I would be very wary. Froch is likely to plod manfully around after Bute, moving his hands and not having much luck.
That figures. He has a very shaky understanding of the Courts of Public Opinion. You can throw in BigDawg who basically butt-sniffs Ward. Gayve is a fan too. Hell, thats plenty plural, in every sense of the word. Fans. Thats the word, I express it. This is what a debate between me and Reed would look like. Gayve is played by sympathetic whiteboy Billy Bob Maher. <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-Ew9CngVeFA?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-Ew9CngVeFA?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>
Bute will win, whether he gets the decision is another matter. By rights, Dirrell,under the 10 point must system, beat Froch the first time. He didn't win the fight, but he won, IMHO, a clear decision.
Dirrell won clearly, but I don't pity him for getting robbed. He fought like a bitch. He was ENTIRELY too fast and skilled for Froch, and if he had stood his ground he would have given Froch a one sided beating. But instead, he fought a bullshit negative fight.
If it's close, Froch will get the nod. I Hope this fight is not controversial. I'll be rightly pissed off.
Bute will most likely win a comfortable decision and I don't rule out a stoppage win. Not only Bute is faster and more skilled than Froch, he's also the first highly skilled southpaw Froch will have faced. Froch's tougher but that will only make him eat more punches.