FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened

Discussion in 'Movies & Televison: Reviews, Discussions & Debate' started by Rich ´Money´ Mustard, Jan 22, 2019.

  1. Rich ´Money´ Mustard

    Rich ´Money´ Mustard DIE!

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Fucking hilarious 'Darwin Award' winner and sums up the cunts that are the Millennial Generation perfectly:

  2. Nobleart

    Nobleart Narwhal King

    Jul 20, 2003
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    Poking the Beast
    Insert Clever Metaphor Here
    I've watched both and I think "Fyre Fraud" on Hulu was slightly better. Lot of overlap in the two, but they each had their standout moments.

    Hulu one had actual access to McFarland by way of an interview (likely paid for, but which they used to hold his feet to the fire personally) which showed first hand how easily people could fall under his spell. Likeable sociopath is the best way I could describe him.

    Netflix one had more behind the scenes access from the FuckJerry guys and was better at showing what piece of shit both Ja Rule and Billy McFarland were because of that access, but at the same time acted as a blatant deflection of responsibility for the FuckJerry team. Probably more polished and slicker then the Hulu one, but not nearly as informative.

    Hulu one had the better interviews in general.
  3. Rich ´Money´ Mustard

    Rich ´Money´ Mustard DIE!

    Oct 17, 2011
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    I'll check Fyre Fraud.

    What stood out for me:
    • McFarland & Ja Rule always with a fuckin beer on the go
    • the fucktards with non-jobs that no one understands: start-up bros, events team, the consultants, endless PR and advertising types, all of whom act as if they are neurosurgeons
    • shit acts supposedly headlining: Major Lazer? Blink-182? FFS.
    • the cheese sandwich photo
    • 'Influencers' - models like Bella fuckin Haddid on 250k for an Instagram shot
    • Ja Rule: "it's not fraud...it's not fraud. It's....'false advertising'"

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