@ 160 Does the Wright who beffudled Tito at 160 & edged SSM (albeit @154) with short, sharp punches & solid defense do the same to GGG?
Triple G beats him. Punches too hard for him. He'd win via clear decision on cleaner and better punching.
I remember thinking the same about Tito. However, Winky was completely unpeturbed. Do you think GGG hits that much harder Than Tito, or is that much more skilled/ fluid that he'd manage to find opennings?
I think the difference is footwork. Tito's weakness was his movement: he needed perfect balance to fire and if you could keep him off-balance he wasn't nearly as dangerous. He was like Tua in a sense: when you look at Tua's combinations, he is explosive and demolishing, but when the opponent moves, he becomes a plodder. Of course, Tito was several levels better but the problem was the same. GGG has one of the best footworks I have seen. Considering that he isn't actually fast, he can cut the ring exceptionally well and maintain his balance. Foreman-esque. Thus I pick GGG by beating too, tough of course he is still too untested to be sure
Golov isn't too untested to pick him over Wright. I'd bet the house on Golov to batter Wink. The question is: does Winky last the distance or not? Cause either way, he loses.
Tito was fat and shot by that point in time, though. Plus, Tito was never a middleweight. His ideal divisions were 147- 154 lbs. Triple G now is a big middle with power and real physical strength to bust through that guard IMO.
I could see him stopping Wright. Doesn't have to be a clean stoppage. Might become such a beating that Wink's corner stops it. I could see that.
Winky's best wins at 160 were over two guys who weren't middleweights, and you can argue he was robbed against Taylor, but none of those guys are Triple G at middleweight. I actually could potentially see a stoppage late in the fight.
I think Wright has a hell of a chance. Monroe had a bit of succes against GGG when he stood his ground and fought in the inside. Wright style is pretty similar to this, and he's way better than Monroe.
Golov was CLEARLY going through the motions in the Monroe fight though. He almost looked bored. Then, when he decided to turn up the heat, Monroe was gone. He would be taking Wright a lot more seriously than Monroe. Size is the biggest factor here. Wright was an excellent fighter at 154, not so much at 160 (although he was robbed against Taylor). Wright was MOST effective when he could back guys up, but Golov would prove too strong for him to back up and he'd find himself moving backwards.
GGG would win but it would be an ugly rough fight. Winky gives him problems early on with his weird turtle shell defense.
I think Ward would make it much harder with that type of shell defense. Other than being a bigger guy he also combines it more with short punches and clinches.