He'll be rebembered as a waste of talent. He could have been so much more. Still, he's probably the best QC fighter ever
It has been confirmed that Stevenson is in intensive care at the hospital. No news on whether it's for a severe concussion or because he has a bleeding on the brain, but if it's the later, best case scenario for him is that he'll be the slow guy at the party for the rest of his life. Really sad
They put him in an artificial coma. Probably has swelling and bleeding on his brain. Hell probably never fully recovers. What a tragedy
Goes to show how some of you should shut the fuck up with your internet tough guy comments about fighters. They put their lives on the line as a job and all you fat asses do is put a bag of chips down watch and criticize and talk shit. Like someone or not at least respect what they do.
If he dies, he dies. Call it karma for what he did to those girls. I'm sure they ain't crying over it.
Stevenson did jail time for basically enforcing a pimp squad. I read the story and it's not pretty. But playing devil's advocate, these were former strippers who were most probably (at first) down to make some xtra easy $$$ on the side. Still, I can understand why some people can't just forgive him though.
Stevenson was basically a teenager at the time. Even some of the girls said that he was a bit of a victim, since he was also manipulated by the leader of the gang. Extremely hypocritical of x since hes a huge Tyson fan and the guy is not exactly a choirboy
Pretty sure he'll end up with some mental dammage. was there ever a case of a boxer being put in an artificial coma and making a full recovery? I must admit that it affect me. While I don't know him personally, I've met him in nightclubs a few times and he seems cool, and I know a lot of people who were close to him (nightclub friends were hanging with him, used to bang a girl who was ''suspiciously close'' to him, and tried to bang another who ended up being his side bitch). I also wonder what repercussion this will have on boxing in Quebec in canada. this is the first hight profile tragedy I can rebember since Gaetand Hart killed Cleveland Denny. Weidly enough, it happens to stevenson, who was probably the most hated boxer ever in QC. What a story
Hart was pretty much a journeyman. He basically got a title shot cause he killed Cleveleand and put a guy in intensive care not long before, so he got an underserved reputation as a ''killer''
well, the doctor just said that Stevenson probably will have some sequels. Which is a polite way to say that he'll end up completely retarded. Who was the last high profile fighter that got permanently injured adter a title fight? Gman?
High profile? Yeah, I think G-Man. Last time I watched live a fighter get permanently injured is when some dirty fuck (forgot his name) turned Pritchard Colon into a vegetable after hitting him with 1,000 rabbit punches. But that wasnt high profile.