Who am I??? No dents and fought: Wlad Klitschko - The man Hasim Rahman - The man with the smaller man on his forehead man Tommy Morrison (Pre-the aids) - The Black Panther man Corrie Sanders - The Black Jaguar man Michael Grant - The Great White Spark - ed out man Elisier Castillo - The Big Brother of Jose Luis man Timo Hoffman - The man-tree wasp man Brian Nielsen - The Jim Fixx with big knees man Eddie Chambers - The most underrrated man called Eddie Chambers in the heavy deversion ever man. Chris Byrd - The Hammer of Thor in each hand man Larry Donald - The handsom and not overwhelmed looking man Attila Levin - The JaLevin man Kirk Johnson - The Candian man whose brest indicative of not a man man Jose Luis Gonzales - The i aint drinking no wilk wannaby man and went 11 with Vitali before being stopped on his feet after the robot hand landed a record 7 punches in a round... Who am I?
Give the boy a goldfish..or a rosette I was watching my Klitschko files and I beleive he has perhaps one of thegreatest chins I have seen - perhaps because it is a double chin it is double the strength or an ordinary one!!!