Guillermo Rigondeaux vs...

Discussion in 'Mythical Matchups' started by George Crowcroft, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. George Crowcroft

    George Crowcroft "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Dec 9, 2020
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    The Rigo who beat Donaire, vs

    Jose Medel
    Orlando Canizales
    Lupe Pintor
    Jeff Chandler
    Khaosai Galaxy

    Who does he do?
  2. George Crowcroft

    George Crowcroft "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Dec 9, 2020
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    I think Rigo's reach and movement is all wrong for Medel, whose style becomes unstuck when he couldn't jab with a fighter, or sucker them into his death traps. Rigo was far too reluctant and intelligent to play into Medel's hands. I've said before that this has the writing on the wall of becoming one of the most boring match-ups ever :Jest:

    I think Canizales has a little too much firepower for Rigondeaux. Rigo's skillset is almost perfect what he needs, but as soon as he steps out of his comfort zone, he doesn't look half as good. I reckon Orlando applying pressure would start to make Rigo uncomfortable and the power Canizales' had would start to break him down. It'd be a tactical battle which lulls into predictable patterns but there'd be highlights and flashes of brilliance which would be on display. Canziales stopping him late would be my pick.

    I think Pintor'a lop-sided loss to Samart - even if Lupe was past his best - shows he doesn't have the minerals to beat Rigo. Rigo was better than Samart at basically everything. Sure, Pintor was past his best but he had absolutely no answers.

    Jeff Chandler's tall pressuring style would give Rigo absolute nightmares at times, but I think Rigondeaux's massive left hand over the top would make Jeff gun-shy and let Rigo fight at his own, slow, dreary pace. The clean punching, movement and potshots which Rigo would make the difference in most of the poor, boring rounds. Of Jeff decides to walk through Rigondeaux, he'd get iced IMO. If he effectively pressured, and didn't let himself get KOd, he has a good chance of winning a decision but I don't think he would.

    I think Galaxy is potentially all wrong for Rigondeaux. Physically imposing, massive puncher, excellent chin and a southpaw. I think his bulldozing, rhythm-breaking shoulder barging would play havoc with Rigondeaux. Rigo's never been too comfortable with other southpaws, is quite fragile, and seems to hate being pressured. Galaxy is the epitome of what he hated. The only saving grace I could think of which goes in Rigo's favour is that Galaxy was quite easy to hit and Rigo was a collosal puncher. If he basically ran away from Galaxy and then tried to walk him onto some massive shots, he might stop him. But how likely is that?
    Jesus of montreal likes this.
  3. Xplosive

    Xplosive X-MOD Bad Motherfucker

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Your girl's crib
    Pintor would mentally break Rigo imo.
  4. Xplosive

    Xplosive X-MOD Bad Motherfucker

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Your girl's crib
    I hesitate to favor Khaosai over Rigo considering he never did anything above 115.

    Canizales? It depends, if he has the fire to consistently push the fight, he would win. But there's a good chance he eats some clean Rigo counters, and becomes gunshy.

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