REED Can't Say that he's Seen any Threads Regarding this Particular Matchup... Definitely 1 of the More Intriguing Bouts of 2007 & GUARANTEED to B "Fan Friendly"... Who Do U Like??:dunno: ... REED Isn't Quite sure Yet,but he Knows 1 Thing;it's FOOLISH to Judge Castillo's Chances Based on the Ngoudjo Bout...Castillo has ALWAYS Fought UP or DOWN to the Level of his Opposition... Even if Hatton BEATS Castillo,REED Expects Jose Luis to Look like an ELITE Fighter N the Process... REED
I'll be watching, but I'm not looking forward to it. More than likely, this is going to be a sloppy clinch fest filled with rough house tactics and little to no effective punching (10 ounce gloves ). Hatton hasn't been exciting since 2004, and Castillo just might be shot.
I agree, and I think so do a lot of other people (which is probably why there isn't a lot of other threads on this subject).
Sorry my dude, but imma have to disagree with you on that statement. The fight COULD be exciting, but it could just as easily be a grapple fest. Whichever it will be depends on how well Castillo handles Hatton's tactics. Ricky is NOT trying to fight Castillo on the inside, trust me. He may do it in spots, but for the most part he's gonna try to outbox him the outside. If Castillo can time him from out there, and find a way to offset his holding, that I think Castillo not only wins, but gives Ricky an ass whuppin. If he doesnt adjust, then Hatton will hit and hold his way to victory.
I don't know if Floyd's ever made a fight with Hatton or not.....I do know one thing for sure, though.......Floyd did not quit like a bitch in the 11-th round against Hatton.
I don't know if Floyd's ever made a fight with Hatton or not.....I do know one thing for sure, though.......Floyd did not quit like a bitch in the 10-th round against Corrales.
Damn, even when we get important matchups, we degrade them. How did we get so cynical. BTW, I'm not excluding myself; I think that this fight will be Ruiz-Oquendo all over again , and I'll try my best to wait for a replay on Hopkins-Wright instead of buying it. But at least in both cases, I'll acknowledge they are big fights with top notch fighters in their respective group of wiehgt classes, and THAT's what makes them worth watching.
You havn't seen many Hatton fights. Hopefully all of the UFC fanbase watch this fight they will find it entertaining.
UFC fans love holding. Maybee thats why Hatton holds alot. Hes trying to win over the UFC fans who love the stink.
I love MMA and I freaking hate boring MMA matches as much as I hate a boring boxing match. I love me a good KO in any sport.
Hatton used to be fun to watch, but lately he's been too much of mini-Ruiz. It may be good because of the up-close in fighting and body punching, but it also has real stink potential.
It depends. If Hatton is dominant it will be exciting, since Castillo doesn´t hold as much on the inside. If Hatton is troubled by Castillos bodywork, he´ll make it an ugly affair.
The good thing is this fight isn't in England. If a referee like Nady gets the assignment, the prospects of this fight could be looking up.
If Hatton is alot stronger than Castillo...then it will be stinker. But if Castillo can push Hatton off him...then HATTON will have to FIGHT!!
Along with Margarito, DLH, Cotto, Mosley, Mayorga, Trinidad, Winky, Hopkins, Stinks. Tszyu and a whole host of other guys he didn't beat.
These guys don't count........For example, Vitaly Quitko was declared the champion by some, despite never defeating a champion, and having a resume infinitely worse then that of John Ruiz......So, if Quitko was a champion, then surely Hatton is PBF's leftover.
Well, at least I'm not the one who declared Vitaly Quitko to be 3-time world champion BEFORE HE DUCKED OUT OF HIS FIGHT WITH MASKAEV. :: ::
Castillo has definitely slowed - he's looked like less than stellar in his last two. Too bad Hatton isn't that good. I give Ricky the edge but he's not too bright in the ring. Castillo may not be able to outwork him but he's active enough - and he ain't as dense.