Good win for Vargas but he didn't look especially good. It seemed more about Ali not panning out as a contender than Vargas emerging as one. But he deserves a name opponent next.
I never would have guessed that in 2016, Tony Thompson would fight on a main event on HBO. HBO really sucks right now :(
I didnt give him a chance? Not true, I just said he sucks. I never hyped ali either so to me it was a shitty match up. 1 I will probably never watch
On Paper, Vargas and Ali Seemed EVENLY Matched...In the Ring, they WEREN'T... HBO Should Be a Ashamed of Putting Tony Thompson in the Ring w/Ortiz and they're VERY Lucky he Wasn't BADLY Hurt In There...Thompson is a Flabby, Middle Aged Man and Had LESS than a 0% Chance of Beating Luis Ortiz...1 of the Bigger Main Event MISMATCHES They've Ever Broadcast... REED:shit #2:
That's what they thought when they matched him up with David Price and he ended up knocking Price TFO TWICE!
At the time, Price was a prospect and was heavily favored. Price had beaten Fury at the British Olympic trials and it wasn't a close fight. He wasn't suppose to trouble Price at all. Plus I wasn't really making a direct comparison to this fight. That was a while back.