I really like Sanchez, I think he's a really good fighter, fun to watch, and generally likeable. Something I find strange though, the impression I get is he is generally disliked. If so, then why? I've noticed he doesn't get much love from the UFC too it seems, for example his photo is always nowhere to be seen in the UFC training center, where as they have scrubs like Leben up there, and Florian, a guy that Sanchez raped. How is Sanchez generally perceived by MMA fans in the US?
he was very arrogant early in his career when he was undefeated, and just a really strange and out there person. The loss to Koscheck humbled him a little bit and he has matured in the last few years. I kind of like him now, as well.
UFC promotes the hell out of him. As for the fans, I don't get a sense of dislike for him as opposed to support for him. Koscheck gets more hate. Leben did too but he's turned it around some.
Never liked him from the first time I saw him on TUF. I don't like it when guys cockyness doesn't match thier abilty. That and he's totally out of his damn mind. YES! YES! YES!
I'm with you. Over the top cocky and he was banging a UFC Ring girl. I hate him.. issed: But I loved his fight with Kampmann.
I don't get the "he's so weird" bit. Doesn't seem that weird to me. A little odd sure, but that's a good thing. Who wants to be normal? I also don't find him that cocky tbh, not on TUF or since. I can't wait to see him smash that hideous little meathead jock Hughes :kidcool:
Dude comes to the ring litterally frothing at the mouth screaming "YES, YES, YES, YES" and you think that is just normal behavior? His whole, I was born to be the best ever routine on TUF wasn't cocky?
I think you have to be cocky to compete at that level, and have a huge amount of self belief. Diego was obviously just expressing it, and possibly using it as a vehicle to get himself pumped. In interviews and twitter etc, he doesn't strike me as arrogant or prickish.
Just look at the stupid faces he made at the introductions of the (his) Sanchez vs Bj Penn fight. Even the announcers made fun of him. (SAD.)