Why debate how they do against eachother when both were past it, when we RARELY debate who wins between them prime-for-prime? I'm not a fan of post-prime MM's in general. We should discuss how guys do against eachother at their apex.
Good question. On the surface, one would think that Holmes outboxes him and wins a decision but I think that Foreman would eventually get to him.
Prime for Prime I pick Holmes. Holmes' chin wasn't as strong as Ali's, but Holmes hit harder. I think Holmes' jab and right hand would keep Foreman honest, and he'd survive a KD or two to come backl and stop Foreman in the late rounds.
Holmes-Foreman is one of the few matchups I've gone back n forth on my prediction for many years. Initially, I said prime Foreman KO's prime Holmes. Then, for a number of years I reversed my thinking and said that Holmes would drown Foreman for a late stoppage. Now... I'm back to original line of thinking and will probably remain there. I think prime-for-prime Foreman KO's Holmes. Larry simply didn't have the chin that Ali had, and I don't think he'd withstand Foreman's onslaught. Foreman KO 6.
There'd be no surviving a KD against prime Foreman. This isn't Shavers or Snipes. Prime Foreman's one of the best finishers that ever lived. If he got Larry in big trouble, he'd close the show.
Even as seniors, both were formidable. And unlike in their primes, as seniors there was serious discussion of these two facing off. Too bad they didn't imo.
Senior Citizen Foreman didn't have the power to KO Holmes, and at no point is he outboxing Larry. So Holmes wins when both are geezers.
I don't necessarily disagree with your prediction but I definitely disagree with the idea that the older Foreman could not have ko'd Holmes.
I pick geezer Holmes over geezer Foreman. How would a 44-year old Foreman fared against the McCall that nearly lost to a 44-year old Holmes?
Holmes wins both times. He also was more eager to fight the Houston Fatboy (as he called Foreman in his memoir) than the other way around
And I can counter that by saying he never fought a guy who got him in trouble AND was a great finisher until he fought Mike. Foreman, like Tyson, is among the top 10 best finishers that ever lived.
True, but Foreman would have to hurt Holmes badly and early to finish him. Foreman didn't have the best stamina it seems. It would either be Foreman Norton again or Ali Foreman again. Holmes being smarter than Norton and with a sharp clever jab and hard straight right would be better equipped to keep Foreman off him early doors, methinks.
Few points: A) Ron Lyle hit like a motherfucker, Holmes did not B) Foreman/Lyle is a bizarre fight that looks like nothing else in either man's career... Foreman was desperate to impress the world and came out swinging like a maniac forcing Lyle to respond in kind... it's a fight that doesn't really illustrate Foreman or Lyle well C) How'd Lyle end up in that fight? D) Die
Prime for prime I fancy Foreman, in 1991ish I think Holmes might nick a decision. Not confident about either outcome, both fascinating fights