We have seen him fight all type of styles. He hasn't shown any weaknesses. How do you beat him? His greatest strength is his ability to adapt IMO. Only fighter that was able to really trouble him was Castillo many years ago.
:laughing: Yep the 1 punch knockout would do it. Only problem with that is he's shown a decent chin. :dunno:
Came up in a thread not long ago, but a guy with Hearns' height/reach and punch power would be the answer, but no guy exists, as of now. Floyd's shown a good chin, but he can be hurt.
I reject the premise which is that PBF has taken on and beaten all comers. He's yet to face a tall and rangy true welterweight with a strong right-hand. And even against an aging ODH, whose right-hand is notoriously weak, it was clear why.
In other words he has yet to face a prime Hearns or Vernon Forrest. News for you...Hearns is retired, and Forrest is dead.
:: Ha ha. I laughed at this. It's true. Neither of those guys are around. But I'm not even talking about fighters necessarily of their calibur. I'm referring to fighters with styles like theirs.....Paul Williams (although he's left-handed), Milton McCrory, Mike Jones. All I'm saying is, a guy like that, someone with some length and a strong right-hand is the answer to the question of how to beat PBF. That's not to say some fighter with a different style can't beat him either. I don't even know why the fucking question's being asked. It's not like PBF has cleaned out the division and he's the last one standing and we're left thinking to ourselves, how does anyone beat this guy? No. Rather, we've seen PBF fight under-sized and old guys and left wondering, when in the hell is this guy going to fight the best guys in his division? So I think the premise of this thread, which is that PBF has shown seeming invincibility is false.
i think if you could somehow take Ray Leonard and bring him back to his prime.. but Today.. then he could do it
Paul Williams and Margarito in 2007-2008 would both have a good chance....fighters that throw 70-80 punches a round....Long reach like Williams, granite chin like Margarito who don't give a fuck what is coming back....But when you carefully choose and pick your opponents, its easy to go undefeated....
Either a tall rangy power puncher with a good jab (the Hearns type) or an inside fighter with solid chin, great stamina and high punch output (Calzaghe type)
:laugh11::laugh11: You are correct "inside fighers, with a solid chin, great stamina and high punch rate output will trouble Mayweather...but CALZAGHE is a terrible example...all he throws are arm punches and is open to be counter. That type of fighters is perfect for Mayweather. As secretariat likes to say...Mayweather reduces his opponents output...Calzaghe is perfect for that...yes he throws a lot and lands plenty, but he can't hurt Mayweather and is wide open to be counter. OLD ASS Hopkins kept Calzaghe in check..imagine a prime Mayweather. Now had you said Aaron Pryor or Roberto Duran then ookay, but Calzaghe? ...
Old ass Hopkins didn't come close of beating Calzaghe. Also, Calzaghe doesn't need to hurt Floyd, it is enough if he can also take Floyd's punch and outwork him with his higher output. Also, PBF is able to reduce output, but Calzaghe was very good at adapting too. Thus, whether he throws armpunches or not, or whether he is open or not, are besides the point. And yes, Floyd might beat him if they were same size, but again, that is besides the point. Calzaghe's style is a correct one, whether he was good enough is another thing. Aaron Pryor was the same type of fighter yes and he was better than Calzaghe, but I am not sure Pryor's advantages (mainly punch) would be essential here. Calzaghe's chin and ability to adapt would be more worthy. Duran's style that is strongly based on clinching wouldn't be as effective against a sharp-shooter like Floyd
I agree with Ugo. It's a Calzaghe type, a Hearns type or someone with a totally unique style ala RJJ which would do it.
Margarito had NO CHANCE. NONE. NADA. ZIP. ZILCH. ZERO. NOUGHT. Margarito wouldn't be throwing 80 punches a round at Floyd, Mayweather's style and abilities would reduce him to a mummy. Williams would be tough though, admittedly, but he's hittable and not particularly smart.
base on Duran vs. SRL, I favor Mayweather Base on Mayweather selection of opponents, I favor the fight never happening if they fought in the same era. If it was the 1980 Mayweather would have stayed at 130-135 with an L or two on his resume...