In the case Floyd wins, would he make a major leap in the p4p alltime lists? Or don't you think he isn't very high on that list? Or do you think Hatton is not important enough for Floyd to make a leap?
it helps him a lot.....if he never fought Hatton, and retired undefeated...then there would always be people bringing that up, saying Hatton has the style etc... ....also depends on what else Hatton does in his career
Depends upon the manner of victory. If it's a close fight, split decision, then I'd venture that Oscar was a better win
it adds to his achievements, but no it shouldn't result in a major leap. then again, he's already the GOAT. Don't take my word for it, though, Floyd arleady said so himself. so how much higher can he climb?
the oscar fight was a close fight and split decision. :: I know what you mean, but Hatton's a hell of a lot closer to his prime. Beating the 2007 version of Oscar isn't something that should factor (at least not beyond slightly) into an all-time ranking
Exactly my point! Oscar is a greater fighter than Hatton..and with the combination of his size, speed, chin and experience is a harder guy to beat. So if the fight is as close as that one...the Oscar win is better.
Oscar is historically a greater fighter than Hatton. To me that's the difference. If we're ranking wins according to name recognition, then I'd agree with you.