Would he deserve mention alongside the Leonards, Durans, Haglers, Robinsons, Alis...or would that not be enough? Your thoughts?
If Floyd dominates, then people will say "Oscar was shot" afterwards. Rubio is in the minority in thinking Oscar is shot now. If Floyd wins a competitive fight, I tend to think he'll actually be given more credit for the most part because people will say Oscar was still dangerous. Some will say "Floyd was given problems with a shot Oscar", but for the most part, he'll be given more credit IMO.
If Floyd KTFO DLH and not with some bodyshot, he will deserve merit.. A win over Mosley and or Cotto would enhance that further
Based on him not beating a quality fighter in nearly five years, based on him being easily beaten by Felix Sturm, and based on how even that candy-ass Ricardo Mayorga landing clean on him.
Oscar is past his best .... However I doubt he will be dominated ... What if Oscar dominates Floyd ? What does that do for his legacy ?
Obviously it wont be based on this victory alone...but this victory in addition to him winning the WBC belt at 130,135,140,147...
If you can't already name him the equal of Duran, Ali, Leonard and the others, a win over a shot De la Hoya isn't going to help. This is like Lewis beating Mike Tyson.
Winning a crappy ass belt mean sh*t if you haven't fought and beaten the best. Beating Judah and Baldomir and claiming himself to be the man at 147....please!
IF Mayweather ko's/stops/makes DLH QUIT then yes..he deserve to be mention with those other guys........after all DLH is like 100 years old..and fight once every 2 or 3 years...it should be easy for Mayweather..if he is as good as he says he is.. but if he runs more than he fight like he did against Bumdomir...NOPE...
You know that is what he's going to do. He can outbox Oscar, he isn't out fighting him though. Baldomir was too big for Floyd to open up on, Oscar is 100 times the fighter Baldomir is.
Incorrect. One of them was former absolute, undisputed, true, linear, welterweight champion of the world. The other one was reigning, defending, absolute, undisputed, true, linear, welterweight champion of the world.
If Floyd manages to dominate DLH then absolutely he deserves a great deal of respect as a BOXER. As a human being Floyd is IMO an embarrassment.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. Duran is a greater fighter than any of them. Mayweather and Duran? Give me a break. This fight isn't even the biggest of Floyd's career. Oscar is a semi-retired, paper champ, with one victory in the past four years. Please stop selling.
He needs to beat guys like Winky, Ouma, Spinks, etc. If he does well at 154, maybe he could try his hand at 160. Taylor, Sturm, Miranda. He has so many options, and he could win them all. I hope he does.
He's all hype, mixed in with 1 single 'nice' victory, a stinker to outpoint Castillo, in avenging what should have been a loss..only for the Mexican to be robbed by the Americans that sad day :crafty: . Fraud could perhaps beat Oscar if he runs on a level that should merit a disqualification,..hell,..he may beat Margarito fighting that way too,..it would just be tantamount to what he's been getting away with for years through his indulgence in illegal tactics. If he manages to hyper skitter around the ropes, landing 2 jabs to the tummy per round and 'win' a 'close' fight,..he won't have equalled even HALF, of just one of Mosely's accomplishments....Mosely beat a very PRIME Oscar, probably handing him his first ever 'real' defeat.
NOT.....if Floyd beats Oscar. Names on a fighter's resume are like bikinis: What they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal is vital. Oscar lost all of his biggest fights in the eyes of most with the exception of Vargas and Mayorga...who were damaged goods, after the tito beatings...and Chavez who was an old small man. Oscar lost to or was arguably beaten by Whitaker, Quartey, Trinidad, Hopkins and Mosley...TWICE!! Floyd has been DOMINANT! He wiped the floor with the previously undefeated and highly toted Corrales (seen next to Floyd as the top 130lber at the time), beat the top Lightweight Castillo..TWICE (second time..pretty dominant), Genero Hernandez with ease, Gatti with consumate ease, Judah and Baldomir with ease. Dominance, means more to me than names on a resume...especially when the said fighter has dominated NAMES as well...
so Hernandez is a major win for PBF, but a minor one for ODH? that alone tells you what you need to know. let me save everyone their time right now. PBF will NOT dominate ODH. shit, it's arguable whether he even dominated Baldomir. and he sure's hell didn't dominate Judah.