What if Emmanuel Steward took Khan under his wing after Khan lost to Prescott in 2008? How would Khan's style have changed? Remember that Steward trained several fighters who had weak chins, like Wlad and Hearns, and made them monsters.
Wlad has a brain and a better chin than Khan. Hearns has skills and a better chin than Khan. Khan is so far behind those two.
Khan is devastating. Didn't you see the job he did on Dmitry "Lion of Ben Judah Shalom Lamb" Salita a few years back....also stopped Zab better than Floyd did....and DROPPED MAIDANA OMG YOU DINT SEE FLOYD DO THAT
Khan can punch, though... his left hook to the body is outstanding He can't take a punch, he can't box, he has to cheat blatantly in order to win his fights against anyone with a pulse, but he can definitely punch
Khan can hit for sure. Agree with Cdogg on his left to the body, it's his money punch. Disagree with the rest of McDoggs post but yeah he is right about that.
Fine. Lemme re-phrase that; compared to the top guys Manny trained, Khan can't punch. He's not in the same universe power-wise as Hearns, Lewis, Wlad, Moorer, and G-man.
It's the truth... Headlocks and draping yourself over an opponent every time he gets within arm's length is illegal and if he were not allowed to do it 10 times per round, he'd get knocked out... AGAIN
Shit reffing is a bigger cancer on the sport than all the TV networks and alphabets combined i tells ya!
Who's Khan's trainer now? His weight distribution was much less ghey on saturday, it looks like somebody's trying to de-leap amateurify him.
You show me one instance of Collazo coming in with his head at waist level before Khan has pushed it there and I'll eat my hat