How many of you are going to try and get tickets? I have money in a separate account waiting for the day they go on sale! I'm getting what I assume would be $200 cheap seats, probably watching from the bathroom of either, the MGM Grand or Cowboy's Stadium:cheer:
Gonna be difficult as a Brit to get tickets, if not I'll go Vegas just for the experience. I could pass as Filipino so I'd probably just chill with them.
I will be. It'll probably be impossible to score tickets the day they go on sale... probably have to hit up a scalper or something like StubHub. Either way, I'm willing to spend what it takes to be in the stadium on the night.
If you attend or order the fight can you demand that the percentrage of the sales go to Pacquiao instead of Mayweather?
tickets will not be on sale to the general public. sure, you can get them on the secondary market. my guess is the very top of the arena will cost you a grand.
I hope you can get them...I'd HIGHLY doubt many tickets will be available to the public. Most tickets will be bought by the casinos or ticket brokers who will mark up ticket prices. Thomas Hauser wrote an article about Mayweather vs Hatton and how fans were screwed on the initial ticket sale. When Floyd Mayweather Jr fought Ricky Hatton in Las Vegas on December 8th, tickets for the fight had a face value of $1,000, $750, $600, $300 and $150. Golden Boy (which promoted the fight) announced prior to the public sale that there would be a limit of two tickets per customer. On September 17th, it proudly proclaimed that tickets had sold out within thirty minutes of their being made available to the public and that the live gate would be $10,500,000. But a key fact was left out of the PR blitz. More specifically, Mayweather-Hatton was the first fight (and possibly the first major sports event ever) for which the primary means of ticket distribution was “scalping”. Well over half the tickets for the fight were sold to a select few individuals, who resold them at a significant premium (often to brokers, who sold them yet again to the public). Ticket scalping has long been part of the culture of boxing. But for the most part, it has been limited to ringside seats and implemented largely through personal contacts. The magnitude of the scalping for Mayweather-Hatton was unparalleled in its scope and, in some instances, implemented in a far more sophisticated manner than in the past. Richard Schaefer (the CEO of Golden Boy) says that the MGM Grand (which hosted the fight) wanted to buy 8,000 tickets but was limited to 5,000. Most of these were distributed within the MGM-Mirage empire and given to high-rollers. Golden Boy (depending on whom one talks with) retained between 1,500 and 1,800 tickets, which were divided among sponsors, HBO, other business associates, and the like. Between 200 and 500 tickets went on direct sale to the public. That leaves roughly 9,000 tickets. Schaefer says that these were divided evenly between the Mayweather and Hatton camps, which were entitled by contract to purchase 4,500 tickets each at face value. Nevada State Athletic Commission records show that, in addition to whatever other sum might have been paid by the Hatton camp to Golden Boy, $3,100,000 was deducted from Hatton’s purse for the purchase of tickets.
i remember scalpers trying to sell tickets for floyd vs. dela at MGM and people were buying tickets for 4000 dollars and shit.
Yep...and here's the worst part. The guys who want to be in Vegas for the weekend...with no hope of getting tickets...I'm sure you'll be "allowed" to purchase tickets to watch the fight somewhere for $100. It won't be in the arena. So if someone wants to proudly say "I was in Vegas" vs "I was at the fight"...have at it. I can't see how that's worthwhile. It's cheaper to stay at home and watch in HD.
i remember some scalpers were selling closed circuit tickets to mayweather jr vs dildo la hoya. they had the nerve to say "i got 5th row" :: the shit is on TV, motherfucker. yet and still some assholes were actually paying triple for those tickets after they sold out all around town.
I'd assume it's mostly Vegas seeing that casinos host the fights. From what I gathered last weekends fight was a great "fan" atmosphere because fans were able to purchase the majority of the tickets. You'd have to ask the guys who saw Pac fight in Dallas twice to get a gauge as to whether the place was filled with boxing fans or not. I have a hard time believing the majority of the asses in seats (30 or 40,000) were mostly comped or sold via secondary market. maybe the top line tickets I can see, but the MGM holds how manay? 17,000? Mandalay holds something like 12,000. For years the Thomas and Mack Center was the largest arena in Vegas. I'm not sure if MGM tops that. I don't know for certain, but logicallythinking through this it seems like a mostly vegas phenomenon.
I'd go to Vegas still, if I couldn't get tickets, but I just have a real gut feeling that Pac would get beaten and beaten well. The thought of seeing all those Floyd fans surrounding me cheering would make my blood boil.
When you first mentioned this Neil, I thought you were just talking. Holy shit, you were not!!! I started a little bit of a business in the secondary market starting last April. AMAZING! Do you know that two tickets (Not MINE), to the Mayweather/Cotto fight sold for $16k a piece???? I would have liked to have been the lucky bastard selling those. However, with my past as a sports radio personality and just an overall cool dude, I have hook ups for the super bowl and future big fights. Let's just hope I have the investment money for those major fights though. I learned the business fast, but I'm left waiting for returns on investments from 2 or 3 months ago.
I never thought about attending the fight....but Yesterday it just pop into my head...if it happens I should go. My plan since it won't happen at least for another put some money on the side every week. In a few months I have a 2-3 thousands save that should be enough.....FOR THE TICKETS...:Wah:
If you can get seats for $200 anywhere in the arena for that fight, I will drink a glass of JM Marquez's urine. In 2010 I would've shelled out the dough for it.. now? I'll watch on PPV.
Same here. When it was first talked about it would have been electric if it came off back then, now, it would be only marginally more exciting than the thought of eating a reheated baguette :kidcool: Not only are both fighters worse than they were 3 years ago, but sometimes when things get talked about THAT much it actually just becomes tedious, rather than more exciting. There'd still be a huge buzz about it and of course we'll all still watch it, but I would be satisfied just watching it on TV now.
Hell, after I started my ticket brokerage, I get tickets in advance now, way before the general public. But I still have to pay face value. I expect those tix to be $1500-$2000 for ringside (Face value). I hope I score those.
If the Mayweather/Pac fight is made... If the Mayweather/Pac fight is made... If the Mayweather/Pac fight is made...
Those are about predicting the outcome of a bout between two fighters if they were to fight. This thread is about whether or not you would go to a fight between two fighters if the fight between them gets made.