Where's the round by round thread Homie? Please start one (I haven't ordered it and neither am I going to a bar to watch it) and then the mods delete this thread...
I'm not doing a round by round...i'm not going to watch that shit....I'm saving my money for Mosley vs. Mayweather....
when i said i'm not going to watch this shit..what i meant to say was...i would not pay to watch that shit...anybody has a stream feel free to send me a link....opcorn:
4th round is basically rubbish. Litzau on his toes and throwing plenty of shots. None of them particularly worthwhile. But better than Rocky, who is just walking forward and doing absolutely fuck all. MTF
5th round Juarez more effective in coming forward and cutting off the ring. Scored with a few decent left hooks to the body and the head. Litzau, who is about a foot taller than Rocky, is pretty shit. Still not a hell of a lot happening and I'm trying to convince my tired head that staying awake past four in morning is worth this shit... Rocky's round.
6th round More of the same rubbish. Juarez coming forward with his head at about chest height and throwing very little of note. Litzau opened up a bit with around 30 secs of the round to go and rocked Juarez's head. Then Rocky lands a couple of decent shots to close the round. Hellishly hard to score, mainly because I don't care. MTF
A fight may be in danger of breaking out here...Litzau has a pretty hideous cut on the left cheek, caused by an accidental headbut. Not affecting vision or anything though. Rocky came forward and tries to unload and open the wound, but Litzau guts it out and throws a serious of big left hand to win the round, perhaps. MTF
this was bullshit, I'm pretty sure Litzau corner asked for the fight to be stopped after they were sure that the cut was rules from an accidental headbutt