Look, as a Poster That Once Had His Own SUB-FORUM of Fightbeat Dedicated to His Favorite Fighter, Roy Jones Jr. (Planet Roy Bitches!!!), REED Understands Better Than MOST How Irritating Boxing Fans Can Be...How CULTish Fandom Can Get... Tyson Fans, Tito Fans, Hamed Fans, Loma Fans, Canelo Fans, etc... But Post-CLOWN Fight, REED Thinks Floyd Fans Have Officially TAKEN the Cake... Literally, Motherfuckers are CHEERLEADING, BRAGGING About How Much Money Floyd Made from That Shit Show...As If They Got a Single DIME of It... And their Ignorance is UNPARALELLED... “But....But....Ali Fought a Football Player" - Yeah, But Lyle Alzado Also Had an Amateur BOXING Record of 44-1.... "But...But...Ali Fought a Wrestler" - Yeah, But that Wasn't a BOXING Match...Inoki Laid On His Ass KICKING Ali's Legs...This is Widely Considered the 1st High Profile MIXED MARTIAL ARTS Event, Not a Boxing Event... "But...But....If Floyd vs. Logan Paul Hurt Boxing, Do the Harlem Globetrotters Hurt Basketball?" - NO, Because the Harlem Globetrotters were ACCOMPLISHED Basketball Players, Mostly D-1 Talents who Either Had a Cup of Coffee in the NBA or Played Pro Overseas... You Have to TRY OUT for the Globetrotters...You Can't Just Hop Your Happy Ass Off Your Youtube Channel and Onto a Court w/the Globetrotters... Seriously, if Floyd's Next Exhibition was vs. a WOMAN, REED Has No Doubt His FANS Would Applaud It and Gyrate Over How Much Money Floyd Made...Literally, They're FLOYD Fans, Not BOXING Fans... & It's SICKENING!!! REED
Floyd fans are the worst overall, I agree. And it's not even particularly close. If we go purely by the history of THIS FORUM, and trace it back to Second's Out, there's never been a fanbase on here as CULT-ish as the Tito fanbase was.
The LDBC is the very definition of a cult when it comes to Wilder. It's deeper than boxing - those ass clowns look at Wilder like he's some historic Black figure/leader in the vein of a Brother Malcolm. I fear them cats are gonna kill themselves when Fury bashes Beyonce... again...next month.
REED is Certainly No LDBC Fan, But Even They DON’T Support Floyd’s Bullshit, Which Speaks Volumes... The Wilder Love is All Due to 78 and the Exclusives He Gets from Wilder...In That Sense, 78 is BENEFITTING From It, But REED Doesn’t Get HOW/WHY the Others Fall In Line Like Puppets... And Yes, There’s Gonna Be a Lotta “Slow Singing and Flower Bringing” After Fury Whups Wilders Ass....AGAIN. REED
The people who can't see past an Eastern European name are seriously strange. ESB is rife with them. Floyd fans are bad, so are Pacquiao fans. Another breed of fan I hate, are those who follow and defend commonly held opinions without any actual knowledge of why. People who just assume Robinson is the GOAT; Pep is the best defensive fighter ever; and so on. I don't mind people holding these opinions, it's just jarring when posters are going to bat over them without knowing much about why they're so great.
FYI, for the Newer Posters that Don’t Know, REED Was a Huuuuuge Fan of Floyd’s Up To and Including the Hatton Fight... After That, Floyd “Retired”, Ramped Up the Cherry Picking and the “Money May” Character (Which was Created for the Dela Fight) Officially Became UNBEARABLE... REED
You and me both. You, me, and Sly were the forum's three biggest Floyd fans throughout most of the 00s. Difference is, you and I were always Roy fans first, Floyd distant second. Sly was Floyd first, Roy distant second.
The Oscar fanbase on Boxingfanatics in the 00s definitely deserves mention here. Those guys would suck the cocaine outta Oscar's nose if they could.
Tyson fans in the general public are bad, but they almost don't count because they know nothing of boxing outside of Mike. On forums, Tyson fans were never thaatttt bad, outside of a few radical exceptions like Kid Dynamite, Orion, and ESK.
To a knowledgeable fan, Tyson's pretty hard to overrate. You can make a case for him anywhere outside the top five at heavy, and to be able to beat any heavyweight ever.
I would say Canelo fans are the worst, but I think that's just a collection of retards, not a dedicated fanbase. I'm also weary of the fact that I'm slowly turning into a Canelo fan. On that note, GGG fans are fucking diabolical.
Sly was first and foremost a RJJ fan until the Tarver fight at which point he pivoted to full-on Floyd-worship.
Yeah actually, Doub is right. I remember now Sly jumping the Roy bandwagon after the Tarver loss. Outside of REED and I, MOST the Roy fans on here disappeared after the Tarver loss - fairweather asses.
I was a Golovkin FAN, but always fell far short of being a groupie. At the point they started talking about Golov KOing Hagler, Jones, Hopkins, ect., I knew it was time to bring them to Earth.
This is going waaaayyyyy back, but I know Double and REED will remember... Tua had a HUUUUGGGGGEEEEEEE fanbase pre-Lewis fight.
Regarding your first sentence, you would be shocked to know that ESB actually IMPROVED over the years. Circa 2002, the level of Michalczewski and Wlad obsession on ESB was borderline disturbing. It was also a far more openly racist forum back then.
GGG was my favourite fighter when I was first getting into the sport. I thought I overrated him. Absolutely not
I liked Kovalev more at the time. Kovalev was my favorite fighter for a good 4 consecutive years. REED and I used to go at it over Golov because he saw what I should have seen... that the guy is a bum-beating myth. Even when I was a Golov fan though, I stayed pretty realistic. Sly was on here saying that Golovkin is 50-50 in a matchup with Hagler. I think it was that statement that turned me off from his fans.
Back to ESB, I distinctly remember that after Wlad KO'd Derrick Jefferson, one poster said "Klitschko is Ukrainian for 'N**ger Killer," and no one did a thing - everyone just laughed. It was the wild west of bigotry back then. Hence why it's always had such a bad reputation.
It's because its safe. A lot of those who say that lack the knowledge to have and defend their own opinion, so they go with the consensus pick
I too was a GGG fan, but he lost me when he acted like he was too good to face thr 168 champs, and decided to go on his quest to rid the earth of bums. Sad thing is that a kot of fans defended him (he would have won anyway)
Pre-Sanders, they probably were the worst OAT. After Sanders iced him, they were never quite as fanatical again.
I don't know, i think they were worst at the end of his run. Couldn't stopped going about how he was the best ever cause he had the most defense. Then Fury humilated him in a dancing contest and they got quieter
Klit-lickers were some of the worst. One of the most ridiculous things I would see over on Boxingscene & ESB were people saying that Vitali got robbed against Lennox because of a racist black doctor who stopped the fight over a “slight cut”. Oh, and that the cut came not from a punch, but because of Lewis’s dreads.