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Roy always had a country accent, a drawl. When Vitali knocked/pushed down Danny Williams, Roy can be heard to say..."well, he ashually pushed him dowwwwwwnnnnn" and that was in 2004.Larry Merchant never took a punch in his life and he is slowing down alarmingly. Roy is displaying a combination of reduced neuron activity, age, and bad accent. So no, he aint punch-drunk...yet.
Roy's DELUSIONAL, but NOT Punch Drunk...FUNNY Ass Interview...BEST Interview Roy's Had in SEVERAL Years... REED:bears:
Nah...watching it again...Roy is as lucid as a cat with a firecracker up it ass. He is all there. He might be talking shit...but he is talking shit...fast.
Even a punch-drunk RJ would provide more value on a HBO broadcast than Lennox, who usually mixes inane throwaway with elementary stuff obviously deried from his own experience which he adds regardless of its appropriateness e.g. X is a tall fighter, so he should just stay on the outside, use his jab and avoid getting caught in a brawl.
Agreed. Lennox is worthless. "The tall guy should use his jab" Thankfully we have an expert commentator providing us such insight.
Definitely agree. But despite the occasional insight Roy's hardly much better. Too ready to talk himself up and too unintelligible. Leonard's the best choice right now. If Tyson had more confidence and was more relaxed he was probably be really good....but he'd just stutter and gibber atm.
All I know is... I want Bernard Hopkins to absolutely DESTROY Roy's cowardly ass. I can't believe a great fighter like Jones was content to only last the distance against Tarver and Calzaghe without even trying to win those fights? Cunt. Let's seem him smile his way through the beating i hope Hopkins puts on him.... STOOOOPID fight for Hopkins though...
Yup Lennox is worthless but Roy isn't much better. I respect Emmanuel stewart's analysis the most in terms of guest commentators on HBO.
Are you bein serious? Roy is easily a better analyist then Stewart, and LIGHT YEARS better than Lummox!
Steward and his ' I knew that was gonna happen' spiel is probably the most annoying out the lot of them. We never knew how good we had it with Big George.
What??!!? You can always count on Manny to say the fight played out exactly how he thought...mind you...he doesn't bother saying that up front. Roy was the best analyst HBO had. Period. Leonard was awful and his delivery was too slow. Mind you, he wasn't as ridiculous as Foreman but he was pretty bad. I'd take Foreman back...as worthless as his "insight" could be...the unintended humor he brought made him worthwhile on the broadcast. Plus, he hated merchant and was quick to disagree...loved it.
:atu:I would pick even Lennox over George. Lennox is not a witty guy (average for a figter) and he "definitely" is not good with his words and that's why he does not add anything to the broadcasts. However he is a laid-back, seemingly nice guy and a gentleman so he does not bring any harm either. He is just useless. George on the other hand tried to commentate and that was bad since he talked much and is plain stupid. His ridiculous nonsense interrupted broadcasts and offered no insight, instead Lampley&co. had to comment why De La Hoya's wide shoulders will scare Trinidad. I'd pick both Steward and Jones over these both any day, but Lennox is better than George
The Foremanisms were just hilarious though, they were half the attraction of watching HBO broadcasts. And he's by far the most charismatic & likeable of all the guys mentioned. Lewis is a charisma black hole and Roy & Steward are both too insecure and egotistical.
Emmanuel Steward is the best. no doubt. Why do people hate on him. Roy used to do the exact same thing...only from him it was more annoying because he'd refer to himself in the 3rd person. "Happened exactly as I said, reminds me of the Roy Jones - Pazienza fight...etc...said it from the get go....etc" I agree with you on Leonard....PAINFUL listening to him talk. I hate hearing him talk even in interviews...he has terrible delivery. Manny provides great insight and s very accurate in what he sees during the fight. For example during the Hatton fight he spotted the attempted "check hook" long before Floyd dropped hatton with it. He calls the fights very well indeed. Y'all are MAD as RASS! :kidcool:
Roy's Insight is INFINITELY BETTER than Lennox's...@ SOME Point, just Come Out & ADMIT U CAN'T STAND Roy Jones, Hut...CLEARLY, U're NOT Even Remotely a Fan of the Guy in ANY Regard...& That's COOL, just ADMIT the OBVIOUS... REED:hammert:
Huh? When did I ever say I was? Im not a huge fan, I don't enjoy his style, I didn't appreciate his reluctance to seek out challenges as a fighter. And ATM, I don't enjoy his commentary because A) his accent is TOO THICK B) he's still in insecure fighter mode and takes every opportunity it seems to talk himself up. In 5 years or so B) will iron itself out. But I don't hate Roy. I REALYY DISLIKE FLOYD. But Roy Im just ambivalent towards. And if you remember back, I ranked him equal with B-Hop as the greatest fighter of his generation, and I also ranked him top 15 of the last 70 years. So it's not as if I hate the guy overly. Like I said, I think he's capable of the most insights of any of the commentators we're talking about here, but Id just rather have someone more FUN and charismatic.
I do seem to hate every Italian person I ever meet.:notallthere: Seriously, don't gel. Too expressive and not polite enough. Pakistani's on the other hand.:hump: I wish I'd been adopted by a Pakistani family, I've loved every one of the 200 odd Pakistani's Ive ever met....was born into the wrong culture.
I always thought Kevin Kelley did a good job announcing. Sad to see that he's still fighting. I guess he didn't save his money. TFK