I saw it today. VERY suspenseful and well done movie for 1 hr and 20 mins or so.... at one point I felt that I was watching a true horror classic.... then it fell flat. I didn't like how they executed the ending at all. The ending knocks it down about 2 points, but it was still a good thriller so I give it a 7/10. Could have been a classic though if the ending was better constructed.
I liked this one a lot. Maybe even more after a couple days stewing on it. Saw this movie getting a lot of flack online. Don't overthink it, don't jump to conclusions about what it's about, just take in the dread and the tension as it slowly builds up. This it NOT a monster movie. Shame on the idiots online who were upset because they thought it was supposed to be. I don't recall any jump scares. Just an overwhelming dread about it. Does what it's supposed to do. I did not mind the ending. In a realistic world, I don't know how they could have taken it in any other direction. 8/10