This Saturday! Can't wait. Biggest fight in recent boxing memory. I think Jake brutally puts him away in 5.
I am a fan of Jake Paul. No, I won't watch his fights nor anything else, but he has demonstrated how little boxing people understand about marketing. Upcoming fighters should actually learn from these YouTube guys. For real. It is no coincidence that these guys have more audience. #1 Interact with fans. One guy talks to his followers every day. The other says gems like "I train like real hard and fight whoever", and most likely does it through a press release. Who do you think people will pay for? #2 Give yourself a persona. All drama is based on that the audience is interested in the protagonist. That doesn't happen, if the protagonist has no story and no personality. Comment on stuff, do something interesting, maybe someone will follow. #3 Every now and then, have a fight where something actually happens. If the bout is competitive, that's a nice plus. If boxing guys can't be arsed to do such simple stuff but cry how stupid media and people are, then Jake Paul deserves to get all the attention
Sounds like you wanna turn boxing into wrestling. Nah, I'm good. 1. REAL boxers like, i.e., Vergil Ortiz and Boots, have less time on their hands than Paul to interact with fans. Why? Because boxing is their LIFE, and they're busy GRINDING in the gym. For Paul, it's a side hustle. He has time. 2. "Have something actually happen in their fights?" Ohhhhhh, well I'm sooo sorry the young fighters of today don't have predetermined fights the way Jake does. Boxings only problem is the best not fighting the best. That's it. You give the fans great matchups between the elite guys, and put it on a platform they don't have to search high and low for, and the fans will come. You're talking about selling the sport out and turning it into WWE. That's not necessary.
I'm not turning boxing into WWE. I'm just trying to figure out how boxing could survive without completely selling its soul. Sure we would all like it if mere fighting and training was enough, but it hasn't been the case in ages. Fighters interacting doesn't take anything away from the fight game. It is not possible to train 12 hours a day. Added to the fact that the up-and-comers fight 2-5 times a year, surely there is a chance to shoot a short YouTube video every now and then. Just like the greatest of athletes have been shooting commercials, despite living for their sport. And nobody was talking about predetermined results. For most spectators entertainment comes before the level of the sport. Arturo Gatti will always be more popular than Cory Spinks. In Jake Paul's bouts there is action that is easy to understand and experience. I don't want actual fighters to have fights exactly like his, but careful record-padding slapfests are not the way to go, either. Some element of drama is necessary, and it has been forgotten by many
It's gotta be in your personality to adopt a persona, and interact with fans daily. If it's not, it's just gonna come across as fake and forced. Paul has it, because that's his professional. He's not a boxer, he's a social media entertainer. As for the entertainment aspect; you do realize that out of all the young guns in the sport, Devin Haney is the ONLY one with a boring style. There's no Cory Spinks type fighters in the sport right now. If anything, there were more negative fighters in the sport circa early 2010s than there are today. What padded record slap fests are you referring to?
You kind of answered your own question. The reason Gatti was more popular than Cory Spinks is because he was a blood and guts warrior Spinks was boring. Gatti was loved because his fights were brutal and thats it. He didnt have a YT channel, didnt have content on social media 24/7 for his fans. Turning boxing into a reality show like how the UFC did with TUF would not work for boxing. It has already been proven by De La Hoya's contender series that had horrible ratings and fighters like Sergio Mora and Ishe Smith. Boxing has a different fan base. Boxing will be just fine.
Jake Paul schtick has no more to do with boxing than Celebrity boxing did. I don't really see anything new that can be taken from this garbage and applied to the sport. We already have many guys doing #1 and #2 and most of the time it comes as scripted or manufactured and only appeal to kids. Boxing just need the best fighting the best and it will be fine.
Truthfully, I struggle a bit to understand your point in this thread. We've known for many many years that fighters with charisma, that interacts well with the media, and/or an exciting style sells more. What you are basically saying (apart from #3) is ''boxer's would be more financially successful if they became influencers''. Yet this logic could be applied to practically anyone, not only boxers. Hey, why toil in a boring 9 to 5 jobs if you can make millions doing dumb videos.
Yeah lets have a bunch of youtubers fighting for belts instead of actual boxers who dedicate their lives to the sport and dont have time to play tickle-dick with the fans on twitter all day.
Nope. In most professions having a YouTube channel doesn't help you at all. If you are an accountant, you won't get any more working possibilities because of a YouTube channel. However if you are an entrepreneur, hell yes advertising your business helps you. A fighter is, in a sense, an entrepreneur, who sells his art (beating people up). It won't sell without marketing Being good at the job is the most essential part and nobody has said otherwise. My claims here are that: 1) instead of waiting for media attention in traditional manner, fighters should create it in this day. YouTube channel is but one possibility which has been unused. 2) Boxing is a special sport in that it is like a drama play. For a drama to work,knowing the participants is essential. Most jobs, even most sports don't require that
Oh for Christ sake, let's not ignore the elephant in the room. Gatti was loved because he was a WHITE action fighter! Same with Ward. Ain't no way in Holy Hell a Black or Brown fighter as shitty as Gatti ever makes the HOF. Corrales was every bit as exciting as Gatti, and farrrrrrrrrrrr better and more accomplished, and he didn't make the Hall.
Gatti and Ward being white definitely didnt hurt them. But white boxing fans looking for the last white hope is nothing new. Although a bit off topic because its mma Mc Gregor made a shitload of money because of his race and antics. As far as Corrales he should've made the HOF if Gatti did. Ward made the HOF and in my opinion hes not HOF material. Hate to say it but the HOF is nothing more than a popularity contest at this point.
There's a VALID, GRAY Area to What You're Saying That Some Simply Refuse to Accept... As Great as Ali or Tyson were as Fighters, Their PERSONAS Have to Be Credited Also, for Their Overall Appeal...As Some Have Stated, it Must Be AUTHENTIC Though...Ali & Tyson Weren't TRYING to Be Anything, They Just Happened to be Captivating, Charismatic Figures Who Could ALSO Fight... REED Doesn't Think This Should Fully ABSOLVE Quieter, Less Interesting Fighters from Putting Themselves "Out There" @ Least a TAD More, However...Especially if You're Not Terribly FOND of Your Fight Purses, SELL Yourself a Bit More???... The Biggest Earners in Boxing History ALL "Played the Game" So to Speak, to SOME Degree...As Faaaaaaaaaaar Back as You Can Trace Boxing, There's Been PERSONAS "Selling" Themselves... Every Elite Level Fighter Has an Inner ASSHOLE Within, Who Just Might Be Interesting for Some to Listen To???...Again, Be AUTHENTIC, But if You're a Lb for Lb Level Guy, You've Whupped MORE Than Enough Ass in Your Life to Be QUITE Confident In Abilities...So Fucking Express It Sometimes... A Wise Man Once Said "Closed Mouths DON'T Get Fed".... REED Doesn't Think You LITERALLY Meant Every Fighter Should Start a YouTube Channel Either, Even Though it Seems to Be TAKEN That Way...There's All Kinds of Ways to Put Yourself "Out There" More, Genuinely... Shawn Porter's an Example; Had He Started His YouTube Channel Soooooooner in His Career, He'd Have Been More of a "Name" Than He Was...But Roy Jones is Another Example; During his Prime, Roy OFTEN Eschewed Press Conferences Altogether or Showed Up a Couple Hours LATE, Then Gave 1-Word Answers.... Roy Did NICE Financially, By Most Historical Standards, But He COULD Have Made Even MORE...Could Have Been an Even BIGGER Name...That's REED's Point...Instead, the Boxing Media HATED Roy, By & Large....Roy Got Better @ Being ACCESSIBLE Over Time, But He Could Have Put Himself "Out There" More... REED
Despite the Language Barrier, There's ALWAYS Been a Playful, Tongue 'N Cheek Quality to Anderson Silva... Not Saying He DIDN'T Say This, But He's Probably Trying to BAIT Jake Paul Into Bumrushing Him, or Something...REED's Taking Silva By Decision; It's SAD When Beating Chavez Jr. is the LOGIC, But That's a More LEGIT Win Than Any of Paul's.... That Said, REED Ain't Watching This Shit & Has Admittedly Watched Most of Jake Paul's Fights...But Tonight, w/LEGIT Boxing On Also, ie; Loma, It was an EASY Choice to Make... REED
I don't know I've heard stories about Roy being on the verge of bankruptcy and that was the reason why he kept fighting after being brutally knocked out that many times. I doubt if he was financially set he'd have the need to lace them up so late in his career.
What Does ANY of What You Say Have to Do w/REED's Point???... Roy DID Make "Nice" Money In His Career, Even If He Subsequently LOST a Portion Of it Investing In a Record Label and His Twin Sons... REED Wasn't Saying Roy is Running Around FLOSSING These Days or Anything of the Sort, But He DID Make "Nice" Money in his Boxing Career AND He Could've Made MORE Had He Put Himself "Out There" Earlier... REED
I knew Roy had a record label once upon a time, and that he has twins sons. But never heard anything about them being pushed by Roy. What's the story there??
BodyHead Entertainment, if REED Isn't Mistaken... Roy Released an Album or 3 Of His Own Material, 1-2 Songs Actually Got SOME Radio Airplay, at Least in the Souf'...And Then, Of Course, There was "Y'all Musta Forgot"...From What REED's Read, Roy Poured a LOT of Money Into His Twin Sons, as an R & B Group, But it Just Didn't Work Out... REED
I get your point. Because he was standoffish with the media that kind of hurt his popularity. Had he fought in todays era he would've benefited from the social media.
It's pretty funny that this Youtuber/turned boxer has beat the shit out of so many UFC fighters. Not a good look for the UFC and their strikers. Lol
It's bad for boxing and worse for UFC. Anderson did beat Chavez Jr though. So boxing is not unscathed . Joe Rogan told me that Anderson Silva is the best striker in UFC history though!
agREED... Boxing Isn't Unscathed Because Silva BEAT Chavez Jr. LEGIT... But Jr. Is Also a Feather Jake Paul COULD Have Added To His Own Boxing Cap If He Were MORE Confident In His Chances of Winning vs a BOXER...Paul Dangled Fights @ Jr. PRIOR to Silva Beating Him... Paul Also Backed Out of Facing Hasim Rahman Jr., Who's Throwing Hands w/Vitor Belfort, Reportedly...If Belfort Defeats Rahman Jr., That'll Be the 2nd Time Paul Has ALLOWED a BEATABLE Opponent Who's Actually a BOXER, to Lose to Someone Else In Lieu of Increased CREDIBILITY... REED
Fixed fights…. Canelo said he hates the Paul brothers so much he will fight them both, back to back, hopefully kill one of them and fuk the corpse afterward.
This is an excellent point and pretty much what I was trying to say, only better worded. Surely fighters can represent something other athletes don't and they must have some unique views that you don't hear elsewhere. Use that