Hit and Run on a pregnant woman, breaking her arm and smashing up her car. Then leaving drugs in his rented vehicle and fleeing on foot, going back only to get cash, and then fleeing again. Probation and Community Service. Well, that was nice and lenient of them...
The State of New Mexico is BETTER Served by Access to Jon Jones' WALLET (In the Form of 18 Months Worth of Probation Fees) than by Incarcerating Him...For NOW, Anyways... If Jones Really IS a Drug Addict, 18 Months is a Loooooooooooooooong Ass Time to Ride Out, Knowing You can Be RANDOMLY Piss Tested by Your P.O., @ Any Given Time...If Jones Fucks THIS Up, then by All Means, Lock him UNDER the Jail... Otherwise, let's Get him BACK in the Octagon @ the 1st of the Year... REED:hammert:
While this is obviously unfair compared to Nick Diaz, it will be good to see Jones fighting again. He's the real champ and P4P best until someone defeats him in the octagon. I don't care if he uses recreational drugs or drinks between fights. I just hope he's more responsible if he does. That means not driving under the influence anymore.
Riiiight.... O.J.???...Jon Jones???...Not Exactly a Loooooooooooooong List of Rich, Well-to-Do, Black Celebs, who've Gotten Away w/Crimes as BLATANT as What Jones Did, Considering the Evidence... ESPECIALLY Factoring in the List of WHITES Who've Done as Bad (Or Worse), w/Virtually NO Legal Repercussions... Let's NOT Even Go There, Dude... REED:nono:
Yeah..just cause one black/minority gets away with one crime...means all the brownies are getting away with it.... http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/05/us/texas-affluenza-teen/index.html
Depends on the details, but when you are on probation for a felony, it's actually easier to transfer it to a different state than when you are on probation for a misdemeanor. According to what I am finding, Jones pled to a felony. This is a deferred prosecution agreement where he will not be convicted if he successfully completes probation so he has an extra incentive to stay clean.
To a NON Addict, 18 Months is NATHAN... But Jones' Behavior HASN'T Been That of a "Recreational" Drug User...If he Indeed IS an Addict, 18 Months Clean Will Seem like FOREVER...Hopefully, Jones Has Sought Counseling & Takes it SERIOUSLY, as Opposed to Last Time, When he Walked Out of Rehab After a Day or So... REED:hammert:
Well, just because you have a test come back positive while you are on probation doesn't necessarily mean that you will be revoked. There is a lot of probation officer discretion and judicial discretion. We saw this all the time with Lindsay Lohan, for example.