Marquez gives it a good go? At 160? Against a young Jones? Marquez doesn't survive round one. The first flush Jones hook knocks him cold.
after marquez punched this prissy, prancing powderpuff above his pelvic region repeatedly pep would be pissing plasma into pampers
Don't underestimate how skilled and clever Marquez is. He has brilliant timing, accuracy and anticipation - which serves him well against speed. Sure Jones would win, as he's much bigger, but Gay Marquez would give it a good old go.
LMAO @ give it a go. Jones would literally be able to end it whenever he felt like it. Marquez got dropped and hurt by left hook of MCHAEL FUCKIN KATSIDIS at 135! What in Christ's name do you think is gonna happen when Roy Jones nails him at 160?