Only saw one of his fights and his defense was really poor. On the offensive side he throws shots with bad intentions but he's not a natural puncher.
Some footage of them sparring. Balderas appeared to get the better of him but it was only a couple of minutes and it's about 3 year ago.
Teofimo is gonna have to answer questions about his chin. Well, not JUST Teofimo, obviously. All these prospects will have to pass the chin test. Rolley Romero is another undefeated prospect at 135, but I dunno if I believe him. He seems like a thug wannabe, and he's with Floyd... so he'll probably be protected from stepping up for the next 10 years. Speaking of these lightweight prospects, Haney is about to sign with Matchroom and DAZN.
Great, another kid in love with his punch with no defence. Coming to a highlight reel near you real soon.
I just googled him and hit images. He has the same facial expression in every photo. He is going fucking nowhere.
Yeah Rolley, spelled Rolly :: He's another one of these "Hang Dawg" expression fools. Jaidon Cordington II
He has a high pitched voice that reminds me a lot of Diego Corrales' voice. Only Corrales was intelligent and articulate. Romero... is not.
Good, Because REED's Already Grown Tired of Hearing Haney Say "I Promote Myself. I'm My OWB Boss"... Haney Actually Seems to Be a LIKABLE Young Dude, But Every Now and Then he FLOYD's... REED
In fairness, Roy is the template. The difference is Roy had guys to fight and he was better than them all. Todays "Self Employed, CEO @ Myself" boxers aren't as good. Fuck, even ODLH had Arum. Even Tito had King.
"I'm my own boss! I answer to nobody! I speak for myself" (insert any question) "Well, you see I have to speak to my people"
When you are your own boss somebody else can grab a pen. (also dictate who you fight, when, where, what time, which media outlets you agree to speak with and what gym you train at) Other than that you run the fucken show!
REED Doesn't Recall Roy Ever FLAUNTING It the Way Floyd and Haney Do... w/Them it's More "Look @ ME! I'm My Own Boss! You're Genuinely IMPRESSED and Think I'm IMPORTANT, Right?"...w/Roy it was More Of "Don King and These Other Promoters Better Come Correct and Not Try to Cheat Me, I'm My Own Man"... w/Roy it was an ADVANCE Warning of What to Expect When Dealing w/Him Contractually...w/Floyd and Haney it's Literally a Showpiece, Like GUADY Jewelry... REED
"If You're Your Own Boss Why Did the Ring Announcer Say 'Presented by Premier Boxing Champions and PROMOTED BY DiBella Entertainment, IN ASSOCIATION w/Mayweather Promotions' " REEDo_O
REED's Gonna Start a Promotional Company Called "Everybody Wanna Be a Motherfuckin' Promoter These Days" Promotions... REED
How about we open up a company called "Bidness"? I want 90% of the returns but I am open to negotiating a lower percentage depending on your work ethic and financial investment.
Hire Ronnie Coleman to stand in the ring and say................"but don't nobody want to take no heavy-ass fights"............
Haney comes across as a bit of a dick imo. I dont really like him all that much. I think he's the biggest asshole out of the prospects. Ryan Garcia comes across as a pretty nice kid underneath the bravado, he just seems like the weakest link out of all them in terms of skill.
I still question these DAZN moves. Fighters are signing to DAZN cause DAZN is throwing them big offers, but in terms of exposure? Cmonnnnn now... nobody in the mainstream has any fucking clue about DAZN. Teofimo is well on his way to becoming a bigger star than Haney as he's exposed to the ESPN audience.
REED's Never Seen Dude Fight, but HAS Seen him Giving Predictions on the Jeff Mayweather Videos... Romero's Got a Violently ENDURING Quality To Him...Kinda Like Mike Tyson or Tank Davis, if You Get What REED's Saying... REED