Keeping "Track" for New Year's Eve...

Discussion in 'Training & Conditioning' started by Buddy Rydell, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Well, today was Day 100 of my other thread, and as I expected, I regained some of the weight because I slacked off and stopped running as much. Still, I'm barely 201. If I get strict for the next month, I bet I could be down 5lbs or more. I just have to pay attention to recovery and eating right without doing too much holiday feasting.

    So as of tomorrow I'm challenging myself to get back to 190-195 for New Year's Eve. It should be a piece of broccoli---I would say cake, but I'm not going to have too much of that. So it's back to better eating, more cardio, and one cheat day a week, but this time I'm making sure to have more carbs as it is basically wintertime and I know that means a bit of weightgain to fight when you're this far north.

    So I'm gonna be watchful, but not kill myself like I did in September-October when I lose more than 20lbs in a little over a month. <label for="rb_iconid_12">[​IMG]</label>

    Eating diary, training, and sufficient rest. As Charlie Murphy would say, "Here we go again!" :lol:
  2. Rich ´Money´ Mustard

    Rich ´Money´ Mustard DIE!

    Oct 17, 2011
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    Good plan...but a tough one especially over Xmas/NY

    I need to go the other way - I just came back off holiday and I'm 5lb lighter than before I went - I'm down to 195lb.
    However, I was eating quite healthily, drinking far less alcohol than I usually do and running/walking 5km+ most days.
    I was also taking thermogenic 'fat-burner' caps 2x a day.

    My problem muscles have now gone catabolic as a result of too much cardio and not any lifting for 4 weeks.

    I'm considering a boring and healthy December.
  3. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

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    Day 2:

    It's not that difficult. There are dietary tricks which help, such as coffee with grapefruit which helps extend the thermogenic effect of caffeine.

    Something in lemon juice blocks some of your food intake from being converted to fat.

    Cardio or working out in the morning can set your metabolism for the whole day. That one, I can't do, but I can take in a protein bottled drink or something with 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up which helps stimulate your metabolism in the morning.

    This would be a good thread to list tricks for fat-loss. I think I'll do that as well.

    I'm having a coffee and grapefruit as we speak. Tonight I'll get some cardio in. Yesterday, I had a business function, so I worked out in the morning before going to work (and let me tell you, when you're not used to it, squatting 315 for reps and benching and inclining 225 for reps at 6:30 in the morning sucks), and then at the function there was some bowling. Not too fatburning, I know, but I resisted the beer that was sent my way.

    I'll be working out twice today, and it looks like I'll be doing some snowshovelling as well.
  4. Destruction and Mayhem

    Destruction and Mayhem PHASE ----3

    Dec 7, 2010
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    I've let myself go again. Still gymming but drink Frech Vanilla and eating bagels and shit. My chest is huge but my stomach definition has been compromised.
  5. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

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    Day 3: A nice even 200lbs. I had lemon juice before my carbs a few times, and it helped a lot. I also ran 5km in 35mins and 20 secs. I'm just starting to get my metabolism back in high gear, but I'm also making sure to hit the weights. I don't want to lose muscle---fat only.

    I cooled down with a km of walking, and I feel a bit gassed. Long week.
  6. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

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    Yesterday was Day 4, and I ate rather sparingly. I have a touch of flu and I was burning alive in the morning to the extent that I couldn't bear to lay down for too long. Stuffed up as hell and thankful there's such a thing as Advil Cold and Sinus.

    So today is Day 5, and I have started buckling down on my food intake. Time for a coffee.
  7. Rich ´Money´ Mustard

    Rich ´Money´ Mustard DIE!

    Oct 17, 2011
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    How do you find you cope with Flu + Training?
    If I have a 'head-cold' (only women get 'flu' remember, we get 'Man-Flu' :lol: )I'm pretty much done after I finish work, so I usually dose up with sinus/flu pills, hot drinks and bed.
    The mere thought of training when I'm not 100% just makes puts me off...not to mention, my entire diet goes out the window...I just can't eat, period. :dunno:

    I'm just recovering from a week of 'Man-Flu' and I attempting my usual 6km run yesterday: I managed 3km and I was done.
  8. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

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    Well, to cope with the manly man-flu, I load up on spices, Vitamin C (grapefruit and lemon juice), much more water, and increase the carbs a bit to cope with the diminished energy. I also take a nasal spray about an hour prior to hitting the treadmill (It's raining here or I would run outside).

    I'm used to feeling drained and stuffed up because I have seasonal allergies and mild asthma---though it doesn't feel so mild at times and it gives me hell when it combines with hay fever and other allergies.

    The problem is the sinuses dripping down the back of my throat and making me cough. That gets irritating.

    Day 5: Today I ran just over 5km at just under 6mph. Then I cooled down by walking for 5 minutes or so.

    That's after doing shoulders at lunchtime and then chins, lower back and traps after work. Right after I finish the weights, I get right on the treadmill and set the incline to 1.5.

    I also use the weighted chin machine to get used to doing one-armed chins. True I have to add weight for now, but who knows? Eventually I might get a one-armed chin as my bodyweight gets closer to 180lbs. The machine gets me closer to the feel of it. I definitely think it's doable in the future.

    Still just over 200lbs, but I did have some drinks on the weekend as we put up Christmas decorations and did stuff around the house.
  9. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

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    Well, no gym tonight as I'm off to see Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band.
  10. Destruction and Mayhem

    Destruction and Mayhem PHASE ----3

    Dec 7, 2010
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    That's why you're such a fat bastard!
  11. Buddy Rydell

    Buddy Rydell Boxingpress Alumnus

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    "My shit's FAT, like a SUMO, SLAMMIN' DAT ASS! Leavin' your FACE in the GRASS!!!"
  12. Ramonza Soliloquies

    Ramonza Soliloquies "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Yesterday, I halved my recovery time in sprints and almost completed my full set. While that was satisfying, it shows I should have stepped it up sooner. I aim to be 82kgs (approx. 180lbs, I think?) by NYE. Currently 88kgs, so need to drop around 15lbs.

    Three small meals a day, wide apart, is my routine. Just breakfast, dinner, and something late at night but small.

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