What a fucking bitch. Hurt his hand in the first round my ass. He was losing to a club fighter and got lucky, and then rolls around on the ground like a pussy. He is the worst title holder in boxing. Somebody KO him asap. Fuck Cintron.
I don't doubt he hurt his right hand. I was thinking something was wrong with it early in the fight when he wasn't throwing anything but jabs and hooks. But his whole act after the fight was definitely bullshit. That shit was flat out embarassing. :doh:
If Feliciano had half of a punch, it would have been a short night for Cintron. Cintron is just waiting to be embarassed again.
someone else claimed it was his way of saying there's no way he's fighting Paul Williams in February (if at all)
It was an entertaining fight but I think Cintron did get a bit lucky. Williams beats his ass. Thats the fight Williams needs to be calling out while Floyd/Hatton/Cotto get cleared up.
Cintron is overrated basura. I love how much credit Margarito got for using his style of walking him down and KOing him, and all we saw yesterday is that a clubfighter using the same strategy can make it competitive because of Kermit's overrated power and poor stamina.
I have never understood all the props Cintron was getting after the Margarito beatdown. He was getting props like he was a completely different fighter. He beat mathysse and claimed that his loss to Margarito should be forgotten.:: IF and when he beats Margarito then he will redeem himself on that note. Feliciano made him look horrible. Not so much because of the pressure he put on him and made him fight at close range. But Cintron was missing wildly. He looked terrible. Sure he got the KO but it was a hard fight for him. Cintron looks like he can't fight close for shit. Unless he has space he can't be effective. So where is this new and improved fighter in Cintron? He wasn't even using his jab to create space. :dunno: He will always have a puncher's chance but anybody that can box will make him look stupid.
Cintron can get over the Margarito loss in one or two ways. Rematch and beat Margarito. Beat Williams the man who beat the man who beat him:: But in actuality even if he beat Williams, everyone would want the Margarito rematch No way in hell he beats Williams.
dsimon writes: So you thought he was bluffing? HUmmm? I don't know man hard call. If he did break his hand than it explains a lot. How can you tell? :dunno:
not really! the reason he looked terrible was because of how much Feliciano was making him miss. his other punches were pretty bad. Besides Normally a fighter with an injured hand in the first round it shows throughout the fight. He even got the KO, raised his hands celebrating. Moments later he got on his knees and dropped and was rolling around in pain.:: talk about delayed reaction of pain.:laughing:
dsimon writes: Yeah that is a bit suspect. Feliciano's stock sure rose though! If he had just taken an 8 count he might have beat Cintron!:dunno:
i didn't buy the excuse either....and the antics at the end (with the rolling around etc...) were so put on it was embarassing! I think we saw again that Cintron isn't a very good fighter on the inside, and in this loaded division he will be found out at the top level once again I'm not writing him off altogether, i think a lot depends on the style of the guy he has in front of him....not only the style, but the toughness also
Cintron had better learn how to sustain an attack on a regular basis, or Williams/Margarito will win any match against him by default. It's not that those guys are infinitely better than him; they're just consistent.
Exactly i have no problem at all with the broken hand as he didn't use his right that much in the fight. But after the fight is over the adrenaline goes down slowly and u slowly feel the increasing pain. But you don't start rolling around like Oscar after a bodyshot as if someone shoot you in the back... :notallthere:
Bingo...nicely said. I did notice his hand was hurt, and very early. I think it was a combo of factors...Feliciano can be inconsistent but when at his best (and matched with the right style) he can be a tough, awkard bastard... And to me Cintron looked off from the get-go. I think he had quite the off night. That said, he'll always have some problems with pressure fighters. Peace.
Ok, when i wrote that it was about 5am and i was wasted :: But the point still stands, Cintron is a joke. There's no need to say anything else about the dispicable display at the end of the fight. Even if he did break his hand (which i don't believe), the rolling on the canvas, screaming in pain after he's celebrated his victory was disgraceful. I can just imagine what was going through his mind. "Thank fuck i've got out of that one. Hooray, i'm still a champion. Oh shit, i need an excuse really fast for why i was so bad. MY HAND MY HAND!!" Feliciano must have landed well over 100 clean punches on him. Slow, wide arm punches, and Kermit had no idea how to deal with it. I was watching it with a casual boxing fan, who couldn't believe that this guy was a 'champion'. If there's one positive from the fight, it's that he's not going to be around at the top much longer. His promoter will surely cash him out now, and who better do to it against than Cotto. I can't wait for that one.
:: I agree with the "despicable hand display". LOL. To the other point though....that's why I really think Cintron had an off night where he struggled - and all boxers have those nights against less-than-stellar opposition. He was MUCH sharper vs. Matthysse (though I know it ended early) and he even looked much better vs. Estrada than he did vs. Feliciano - and Estrada's style is very similar, if not even better. Broken or not, I do think his right paw affected him because his left hand went into overdrive for most of the fight until he finally decided to let loose with the right late in the fight. Kermit's had hand trouble before. That said, he still has opportunities and flaws - but we already knew that before this fight. Peace.
You and I are two of the very few who gave Feliciano at least the chance to last more than a couple of rounds. Given his struggles at 140, it wasn't surprising to see so many fans underestimate him. What did surprise me was the fact that Main Events, Steward and even Cintron himself thought so little of him. Cintron is at the stage of his career where he should be able to make certain adjustments on his own, without the aid of a babysitter. But he and Steward were completely out of sync, and it appeared as if it was the first time any of them had ever seen Feliciano fight. We keep ragging on Emanuel that he's the king of after-the-fact trivia, but he came across as a rank amateur Friday night. Honestly, he was more clueless than Cintron.
Yup....you and I raised that. Feliciano is tougher than many give him credit for; especially at 147 (weight loss makes a big difference). I agree on the adjustments though, and the need for Cintron to make them himself. He showed flashes of them at times - using the left hook, moving laterally more and pumping his jab and straightening out his right hand....but not consistently enough and too sporadically. Truthfully, I don't think Manny and Kermit had ANY clue about Feliciano at all. They expected to walk in and blow him out faster than Matthysse frankly (because Feliciano is a "140 lb. fighter"). Peace.
If there's anything more predictable than a goon posting some embarrassing thread like this, each and every time some fighter has a so-so showing...it's probably Double L being wrong...but it's close.