Just heard that Saturday will be his last fight that he will call. Dude had a long ass career. Some will be happy and some will be sad. One thing people can say is that he made his mark on the sport. I'll Holla 5000
That SUCKS!!!! Merchant is/was the greatness on the mic....his back and forth w/ Jones or Foreman were great...GREATEST BOXING ANALYST ever...it won't be the same without him.
Sad news. Larry is the man. Just like the great fighters are all but gone so are the commentators. Now we're stuck with Amir Khans and Max Kellermans.
Larry tells it like it is, straight up to any boxer's face! Balls of steel! I can't stand that faggot Kellerman!
Always disliked Merchant, but at least he wasn't an ass kisser on par with Kellerman. Good luck to him
Man that fucking sucks, I love Larry's interviews, plus his laid back, drunk persona. Just his way of talking is hilarious, and his absurd metaphors. He's so much better than that sycophantic goggle eyed turd Kellerman, it's not even funny.
I like Merchant, but many of his ramblings were tiresome. At least Roy Jones is there, but who will tell the boxers in their faces 'you got the decision, but we saw you losing'?
Well, we still got that asshole Jim Grey on Showtime. For some reason when Merchant did it, I shook my head and went "you go Larry". When Grey does it I get visibly angry and want to see him get curb-stomped on national TV.
I wonder if they forced him out because of his (justified) negativity during the undercard last weekend. Always been a big Merchant fan. His interview with Pacquiao was way too long last weekend though
On the rare occasion that I listen to Merchant I must say I enjoy his commentary. Jones and Merchant are brilliant together.
Good Riddance... REED's Old Enough to Recall the EARLY HBO Days, when Merchant was Actually OBJECTIVE....Unfortunately, what Merchant Will Be REMEMBERED For is the Last 20 Years or So, where he Used HBO Broadcasts as his Own Pulpit for DRUNKEN, Sometimes RACIST Rants... Merchant NEVER Grew Tired of BITCHING about the Hip Hop Flavored Ring Entrances of Black Fighters and Even MOANED the 1st Few Times DeLa "DARED" to Rock a Sombrero During his...Merchant Became JADED w/Boxing & CEASED to Be a PIONEER of the Game DECADES Ago... Max Kellerman ASKS Tough Questions, he's just NOT a Prick about It...Some of Ya'll Bitch about Kellerman Kissing Black Fighters Asses, but What about Merchant During a Klitschko Bout???...We Found Out ON AIR that Merchant was of Ukrainian Heritage...We Also Witnessed as he Waxed Poetic about Wlad's "Beautiful" Body....How Bout Merchant's Post-Fight Interview w/Lennox, Immediately After Stopping Vitali???... Larry Merchant was JUST as Much of a KISS ASS as Kellerman, when the Subject SUITED him...But MORE Often than Not, he was Put Off by the ETHNIC Festivities on Display Before him...He was a GRUMPY Old Fart & REED is GLAD he's Tapping Out...It was about 10-15 YEARS Late, Honestly... REED:boohoo:
Come on man, you have to be kidding. Kellerman is a sycophantic faggot and nothing more. I've never heard him ask one tough question. He's a pro groupie and utter moron. cdogg put it best with his impression of Kellerdude, "OK I'm going to ask you a hard hitting question... WHY ARE YOU SO AWESOME?!?!?!".
Nah... U've ALREADY Made Up your Mind about Kellerman, So You Hear what You WANT to Hear.... REED:hammert:
I've made up my mind because I've seen a lot of him, especially since being on HBO more often. And I can sincerely say that I have never heard him ask ONE tough question, not one. He's a groupie. In fact I find it a bit weird that he even has this job.
Kellerman to Broner...YOU ARE SOOO FUCKING AWESOME..you are like the FUTURE OF BOXING...you have a lil bit of Mayweather, a bit of Jones,roll up into a more charismatic Muhammad Ali....i love you..YOu are JUST AWESOME.
Funny thing about Kellerman. When he does act outraged or ask "tough" questions, it's usually grossly misguided.
"Andre Berto, you are soooo awesome. It's too bad that dumb Mex-American was holding you the whole fight" Ignoring the fact Berto was the one instigating most of the holding, while Guerrero was the one just trying to engage from in close.
Absolutely, honestly I found him fucking sickening in that fight. He was completely on Berto's sack since the start of the fight, it was actually cringeworthy and hard to listen to.
Larry was hit or miss for me. Sometimes he as objective, but he often let his own biases get in the way of his commentary. Kellerman is annoying because he comes off like a groupie, but maybe Roy can keep him in check.
He doesn't come off like a groupie, he IS a groupie. They should sack him and let Roy do the interviews. He makes me feel sick.