Both guys are going to be on Donald Trump's celebrity apprentice. I heard that they got into a heated argument and Lennox Slapped the shit out of him. Supposedly, Tito backed down and wanted no more of that. Can anyone verify this story??
Let's pretend it's true. Whatever reason Tito would have for not retaliating, being afraid of Lennox sure as hell wouldn't be it.
Lewis is just trying to erase the image of getting slammed into a big table by Rahman. Either that or he's pissed MMA has already caught up to and possibly surpassed boxing, with a bigass bonus being Tito is just as if not more popular than him.
Yeah okay, Tito being more popular yet Lewis's cheapest car is prob worth more than what Ortiz recieved in his last 3 fights :: If MMA is that much more popular than boxing there must be some serious screwing going on because those guys get paid dick. Get the fuck outta here
Yaeh, I bet the rise of MMA keeps him awake at night, knowing all he has is an all-time HW legacy, millions in the bank..::
Maybe Lennox thought Tito was bitten by Jenna Jameson, and was about to turn into a zombie as well. Because you can't tell me Jenna Jameson isn't one of the undead. TFK
dsimon writes: Before all the hyperbole begins.... is this true? I doubt it. lennox is a sweet heart in public, a mama's boy. I doubt he would act in this fashion. I don't know Tito enough to comment from his end, but again I doubt it. If something like this were to go down? Lennox is so much bigger than Ortiz.
I don't think that matters. A normal man, let alone a great champion, should be able to control himself
It the story's true, LL really made Ortiz his bitch, it'll make many sherdogger (and winner by choke ) have quite a few sleepless night trying to convince themselves that Ortiz would take LL if he really wanted.
I'm all for control but, IMO, when someone cross a certain line, he must know that they may be consequences and be ready for it, plus, from what I read, they were shoving, it's not like if he slapped him out of nowhere. For example, if someone called my mother a whore in my face, I'd punch him ( unless it LL :: :: ), not because I'd lost my cool due to the insult, mama jokes are lame and higschool, but because he'd have crossed that line.
There's already 43 pages of it... Which has now spilled over to Tito's forum...;topicseen Hopefully, John Cena stepped in at some point.
I was banned from the Tito Ortiz forum after Tito lost to Couture for posting a picture of a crying baby. ::
LL ain't so much bigger than Ortiz, Ortiz fights at 205 lbs, and he's a notorious weight cutter, in real life, he probably give 20 lbs max to LL ( unless he became a whale during his retirement ).
I read this from Sherdog: Donald Trump has a new version of the Apprentice filming this week in New York and there's a rumor floating around online that Lennox Lewis and Ortiz got in a pushing match and Lewis slapped Ortiz to the ground hard during filming and Tito refused to or was unable to fight back. Anybody from New York heard about this?
Lennox was struggling to keep his weight below 250 before he retired. I'm sure he weight at least 270 or more these days.
Quote from sherdog: "Maybe Tito was worried he'd get booted from the show if he fought back." :: :laughing: :: <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->