Star Trek Beyond - Sulu has a husband Ghostbusters - lesbian ghost-hunter Deadpool - main character is Pansexual Independance Day: Resurgance - gay couple scientists And now we hear maybe Luke Skywalker could be gay in the next Star Wars movie. Are you okay with it....or, like Sly and Panchy, want all LGBTs to be liquidated?
I doubt Luke Skywalker will be gay. That would be a few setups too far . I noticed the way it had gotten cool to "insert" gay characters at random years ago.
It freaked me out so I searched "gay skywalker" and I'm not seeing anything but Mark Hamyll saying "it's up to the viewer" for the last 20 years.
I don't care, it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the movie, such as if they had two guys kissing. I don't want to see that shit. Good looking girls doing that is okay (Black Swan, Bound, Basic Instinct) because it's hot.
So Luke is just incestuously-bi-curious? I admit I haven't been keeping up with the Star Wars films, but didn't he want to bone his own sister?
Not the pics I have seen....she looks like a ass or TITS...those beautiful tits are GONE....alm:
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If I hear another insecure male bitch and complain about Mad Max I'm gonna rip their fucking throat out. Did you see the movie Hut? They handled it about as well as they could have. Her character didn't beat up Tom Hardy, and it was clear from their lone skirmish, he was both handicapped, AND she had help from others. She was a strong female character, but they didn't portray her as some sort of superwoman.