Manny Pac is now requesting random testing for his next fight. This is fucking funny. I'll Holla 5000
I know, it makes no sense. He did start his post with "Like REED said" as if he was responding to the actual topic though so I took it there.
understood I think REED meant that it was ironic and karmic that Pac, a juicer, was KO'd by a guy who recently took it up
I won't even bother getting into the who's using or not speculation. What i would really like to know is how a guy like Lance Armstrong got away with it for so many years being "the most tested man in all of sports". If it's that easy why does PED testing mean shit?
It's only that easy when you're paying people off and if you're powerful enough to ruin the lives of anyone who dares to accuse you. That and have people who are developing things that aren't even tested for yet.
I was going to put the word easy in quotes but i figured it's not just the guys at the top of the food chain like Armstrong who are beating the tests. If prominent drug dealer is caught, they find out who they are getting it from, work up the chain and so on. You rarely hear anything about the people actually making the doping agents or how they are going about being so far ahead of the curve. I'm no expert in PEDS' but i'd have to imagine if they found a way to test for something that was untestable yesterday it would be much harder to 'adjust' and simply come up with a new completely untestable forumla within a matter of days.
No, the FACT that he was RELUCTANT To Undergo Random Testing PRIOR to this is a Bit of Proof, Coupled w/How Pac REVITALIZED his Career, Moving Up from 135-147... Mr. "I-don't-like-Needles-in-Spite-of-My-TATS" was the Victim of KARMA, Plain & Simple...You Can Continue to Bury your Head in the Sand if you Wish, Bro... REED:kidcool:
So he's just going to stop using them now right? Revitalize his career? Was he looking like shit? Losing? No, he was winning fights all the way from 135-147, he didn't revitalize anything.
As obvious as Pacquiao's juicing was I think JMM abused steroids even more flagrantly. JMM was on that Barry Bonds superjuice that just made him look like some sort of Hulk-ish freak. I don't understand how anyone can insult our intelligence by stepping into the ring like that and claiming they are clean. I also think it's possible Floyd has used HGH.
Just like Floyd was WRONG when he requested to implement his own rules. Manny is wrong in this case. While I would appreciate more stringent testing it's not floyd or Pacs place to pick and choose
Apparently Floyd failed 2 tests and Golden Boy covered it up. But yeah, Marquez's juicing was hilariously blatant, and down to the juice provider he employed.
I think it's fine, personally. If the corrupt commissions aren't going to take it seriously the independent contractors, the fighters, definitely have the right to. They are the one's endangering themselves by going out there and fighting. And I know it is sort of cliche, but in this case when you are fighting guys like Super Marquez who are not only cycling PEDs, but blatantly abusing them, you have things happen like Manny getting knocked into next week by a guy who had never shown that kind of punching power before.
Yeah but without knowing what he failed for it really is a useless footnote. He definitely didn't fail for HGH which they don't test for, but Floyd's head looks a little bigger to me...I could be imagining things.
So guys with less sway in the game should 'take those PED punches'. Most seem to believe Pac was / is on something and with the reports of PBF failing a test, these requests are disingenuous at best. The honorable thing to do is campaign for change. Use that star power to change the sport instead of changing rules to suit your career
Floys had no basis for his accusations or his demands for testing. Manny just got KTFO by JMM, he's now fighting Rios who is using the same "Stength and Conditioning" coach as JMM used in his fight with Manny. Are you saying if you were Manny that wouldn't concern you at all?
I'm saying there is a commission in place and its up to them to set out the rules. I'd much prefer if these high profile fighters used that star power to implement new rules for boxing and not just for them in certain fights.