Pacman doesn't like jabs. Cotto's jab had him confused early, so too did Margarito's. Morales controlled him with the jab in his first fight and for most of the rematch and Marquez used the jab to great effect against him in both fights. None could jab like Ike Quartey.
Quartey's jab would definitely trouble Manny and win him rounds, but the ones that have actually troubled Pac are the ones who can counter him quickly, and Ike would not be able to do that. Manny would win most rounds with his movement and greater output. I think he could even deal with Quartey's blackness
I was about to say "I'm shocked you offered a reasoned response to this topic without mentioning that I had a racist agenda, good job" and then I saw your last sentence. Tsk Tsk
But now we got over it so we can concentrate on the fight, which is a good one. Quartey might be able to pressure Manny to the ropes at times, but considering how easily Pac has dealt with punches so far I don't see Bazooka being able to buckle him. Good bout, but only one winner
pretty much agree with the consensus... if Ike were a bit quicker on the trigger with a right hand, I'd raise his chances of winning considerably... but he wasnt... plus, he had a tendency to forget defense and gameplans when he got hit, thus neglecting his best weapon, the jab