If he fights floyd right now instead of Mosley and wins. Would he become the new P4P or those he have to beat a 2 handed Clottey or Williams?
No, because p4p, or, if he would be the same size he would receive a beating from the following: 1 - Calzaghe 2 - Hopkins 3 - Pacquiao 4 - Marquez 5 - Toney
so Toney ranks higher than Margarito in p4p rankings? Calzaghe vs. Margarito, that would be an interesting fight if they were the same size and had the same fight characteristics and style as they do now.
I would say yeah. But given that P4P lists are more of a popularity contest, people would argue otherwise. If Toney were a natural 154 lbs or WW, and fought Margarito, I'd favor Toney.
Fraud will never fight Margarito,.. ... didnt Fraud make that loud and fucking clear in 2006???, how much more evidence does anyone need?, he's a disgraced bitch. If Paul Williams is able to stay at 147, the pressure should be on Margarito and his camp to make the most meaningful fight at welterweight, happen.
You do realise that toney is more or less shot right? Right now, unquestionably, Marge is a far superior fighter to Toney. That's one of the dumbest things you've ever said.
If he could beat PBF, Mosley, Williams and Clottey, you have any doubt he couldn't beat at least 3 of the 5 guys on your list? P4P? You're nuts and you continue to underrate what Margarito is capable of despite what he's accomplished.
Yeah, I mean what I say and I believe that a shot Toney if he were the same size as margarito has enough skills left to beat him. Margarito isn't the golden shit many people think he is (yeah he beat up Cotto, what else). He lost to williams, hardly beat clottey. It's not like he's rolling over everybody in the division like a freight train. Funny, how he couldn't do much against Santos who's arguably the same size as him. Take a shot Toney, turn him into a natural WW/Jr. MW, and he would take Margarito apart and make him look silly. Fuck off if you all think I'm wrong :flip:
Well if you're talking P4P, there are many more fighters you can add to the list. Dawson Winky Adamek Haye Wlad Klitschko Vitaly Klitschko and more...
i find it strange how people like to rag on Margarito. the guy is one of the most exciting fighters in the game right now, and unlike 99% of fighters in the game right now, he's taken on everybody the public has asked him to take on (he can't be blamed for not having procured a fight with ODH or PBF - those guys just don't want to fight him - I think we can all agree on that). i'm also tired of the rewriting of history that's occurred when it comes to his fight with Williams. he barely lost to a guy who could very well turn out to be a middle-weight champion and who's proven he has a rock solid chin. people act like Williams was untouched by Margarito in that fight, or that he was never in danger of losing it. i think it's mutually beneficial in the eyes of both guys that a rematch probably won't happen. just as Margarito probably wants no part of Williams again (at least not until he can collect on a rematch with Cotto), i'm doubtful that Williams is too keen on the idea of a rematch either. he barely beat Clottey? well. he did beat him. and Clottey hasn't lost since. and is a threat to every welterweight in the division. it's not like he's some fringe contender. if it weren't for Margarito, Clottey could very well be the number one guy at 147 right now. he'd have to be a favorite over Mosley and I'd pick him to beat Cotto as well. and stylistically, he's not too badly poised to beat Williams, although his stamina would probably let him down. in any case, i don't understand the hate for Margarito. he's not a trash talker. he's not a stinker. and he'll fight who's ever put in front of him. and yet, people, at least most of the people on this board seem to have nothing but contempt for him. doesn't make sense to me. it's a stretch. but my theory is everyone knows he'd beat PBF if they fought and that's a thorn in their azz. so they hate on him. wow. that's a real smart line of thinking.
Too bad boxing is about much more than having agood technique. P4P Margarito is much stronger than the 230 lbs Toney and would probably steamroll him
Good show, good show indeed, :bears: ,.. ... Margarito is not over celebrated either, (like Pacquioa).. that would be another reason to hate, but it just isn't there, only used as a vicarious excuse for people who hate him for more bitter, pathetic reasons,.. Such as,... ,.. This was/is simply a pro-Fraud, pro- Puerto Rico/Cotto board,.. Margarito ultimately and irrefuteably, exposed Fraud as an oppurtunistic coward and through Fraud's bazerk and unstable reactions, scarred his groupies for life, and he knocked Cotto out, arguably made him quit,.. this indeed consumes the majority of hate on this particular board,... Another component is the Pacquioa groupies, especially phillipino Pacquioa groupies, who are anti-mexican just as much, if not more than Puerto Ricans, ZERO of them are able to tolerate this large, threatening Mexican beast who's now relatively close to Paquioa's new division. Then you have the odd few white posters who dont like anything but American flags, fast hands, and slick, ripped, black bodies,..it's the way it is in America, in all popular American sports, and they wont have it any other way, they're set in thier ways and in thier condescending xenophobic attitudes, and thus by comparison, Margarito probably reminds them too much of a daring European, although ofcourse not quite as bad as that :crafty: :stir: ,.. some old white-American 'purists' fit into this category too, and thoroughly dislike Margarito's unorthodox 'boxing technique' and slow hands,..''that's no way to be great!, where's the boxing in the classical sense??...all the running, pot-shotting and shoulder roll shit!!!????''....where is it!!! :shit: ...Margarito's more fluid than fucking gentleman Jim Corbett.
:boohoo: N Other Words, it's Perfectly Fine for Margarito to DUCK Perhaps his BIGGEST Challenge, Because you LIKE him...AND, we're STILL Supposed to Refer to him as "THE" Champion @ 147 N the Process, Even Though Williams CLEARLY WANTS (& has PURSUED) a RE... It NEVER Ceases to Amaze REED how U'll GLADLY ContraDICK Yourself when U LIKE a Fighter...If Floyd HADN'T Given JL Castillo an IMMEDIATE RE, U'd STILL B BITCHING about it.... REED:boohoo:
The bitch in all of this is Floyd, REED. The one who wanted nothing to do with Margarito, Williams OR Cotto. How do you explain that one?
:: You're really something. Especially phillipino Pacquiao groupies? haha please, enlight me about who belongs to this large Margarito hating group. Yeah all against Margaro, a low key tijuana brawler even you didn't give a shit before Tszyu got raped by an albino who went on to get the schooling of his life against the guy your message board life depends on.
As I said, this particular board is more a pro-Fraud, pro-Cotto board as you can very well attest to :crafty:...and I didn't say that every Mexican fan is harmonious and unbias :nono:....I know it works both ways but Im currently speculating with Double L why it is that an all-action fighter like Margarito, is hated to the extent that he is. The Fraud - Hatton, Tszyu - Hatton scenario's are completely different, fought years earlier, at different weights, featuring different styles,..take for example,.. Judah - Fraud compared to Judah - Tszyu,.. ..One fight was a wipe out, the other was an arguable draw :: ,.. so there you have it.. ... the fighter A, B, C stuff is a worn out criteria that is perpetually exposed as garbage for prompting a case that one fighter would defeat another.
i didn't say it's perfectly fine. my preference would've been for an immediate rematch obviously, and it's a strike against Margarito that he didn't pursue one (allegedly). but Williams hasn't exactly been hanging out in the welterweight division since beating Margarito. so your response is the fact that an immediate rematch between margarito and Williams is grounds for hating him? then how do you explain your hating him long before Williams was even a contender and Margarito was beating the odds in his first dominant victory over Cintron? he should rematch Williams. but on the other hand, it's not like he's fought Joe Blow in his stead. and Williams, in his spare time, managed to lose to Quintana, avenge his loss, and then abandon for the time being the welterweight division. whether or not a Williams/Margarito rematch happens or not there's no denying three things: 1. Margarito can make more money rematching Cotto 2. It's no reason to hate the guy 3. You and plenty of others on this board hated Margarito long before Williams ever came on the scene.
i'd love to see margarito vs. williams II, but can williams even make 147 anymore? i'd pick williams if this fight ever takes place at 154.
it'd be a crime if this fight doesn't happen somehow. i think margarito was too focused on the knock-out in the first fight, thinking that even he couldn't match william's output. but i think obviously it was the wrong strategy. it might've even been Merchant who put it in his head - i remember his saying to Tony in the prefight interview, "do you think you're going to have to throw fewer punches and make them count more?" or something to the effect, and Tony seemed to agree, but it was as if he was taking Merchant's advice. if Margarito stayed low and committed to the body for 9 rounds i'm not so sure Williams would survive the last three. that's my opinion. in fact, and for what it's worth, had their first fight been 15 rounds there's little doubt Margarito would've knocked William's out. my money would be on Margarito at 147. At 154, I'm not so sure - i'd have to give it some more thought. my guess is even at 154 Williams is still starving, and that'd be the key to Margarito's victory - wearing his man out and finishing him late. Nevermind winning the rounds. That'd be playing into William's hands if he focused on that. The key to his game would be body punching and plenty of it.
THE ONLY Reason Williams HASN'T Been "Hanging Out" @ 147 is his INability to Get Fights...That's Where the Whole Idea of Going to Various Weights Came From (Williams has Said he'd Fight ANYBODY From 147-168 N MOST of his Post-Fight Interviews)... REED isn't Necessarily Complaining about an Immediate RE NOT Taking Place...REED is Complaining Because There's a CLEAR-CUT CHALLENGE Out there for Margarito, yet his Lovers Sweep it Under the Rug & Use the SAME "Excuses" That Floyd Fans were Accused of Using (The Ability to Make MORE Money Fighting Some Other Guy)... What IRKS REED is that Margarito Fans Want it BOTH Ways...U Want to BITCH when Other Guys "Duck" Margarito for BIGGER Money Fights, THEN, U Want Margarito to Get a PASS when he Does the Same Thing.... REED:boohoo:
This Question is Posed to Williams after ALL of his Fights & he ALWAYS Says he can STILL Make 147.... REED:hammert: