Matt Hughes -vs- Royce Gracie, and other upcoming matches

Discussion in 'General MMA Discussion' started by FourHooks, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. FourHooks

    FourHooks Undisputed Champion

    Jul 25, 2005
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    ha friggin ha

    anyone think Royce stands a chance? It seems fairly obvious that Matt will dominate Royce down the stretch, really beating up on him, but lets not forget Matt was quickly submitted by Hallman twice, Penn once, and was within an eyelash of getting submitted by Carlos Newton, so maybe Royce can pull one out, and I like run-on sentences too.

    Penn -v- St. Pierre.....DROOOOOOOOL.......sadly, one of them has to lose. Dont let Georges size advantage control your thinking too much, Penn went the distance with Machida, who is much bigger than St. Pierre. Should be one seriously explosive scrap with two of the most well rounded fighters in the sport.

    Lidell -v- Coture III, I'm not nearly as pissed about this fight as everyone else seems to be. This fight actually NEEDS to happen. Its about legacy. These guys are once convincing win to one convincing win. Some one has to come out on top. My money is on Lidell. His takedown defence is better than ever, and Randy's gotta slow down sooner or later.

    Franklin -v- Loaizou..... Should be another explosive one. If Franklin wins (which isnt a given, The Crow damn near murdered Evan Tanner) its gonna be interesting to see who Dana and the UFC will throw at Rich next. It might just end up being Matt, as 170 can succeed without Matt there. If not Matt, then maybe we'll see the return of Matt "wake me when my own match is over" Lindland.
  2. Hanzy

    Hanzy "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Mar 19, 2005
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    BJ Penn will handle Pierre I think. Penn is a genius in there with a great all-round game, and seeing what he did to Hughes, he might do the same to Pierre.
    As for Liddell/Couture III, I don't know who wins but I do know that Couture was an idiot in their last match for trying to make it into a boxing match. He's a wrestler, no wrestler should try to box with a boxer. Why put yourself in the line of fire. He was overconfident, thinking that he'd best Liddell in any environment. But as always, 1 punch is all it takes.
  3. FourHooks

    FourHooks Undisputed Champion

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Agree with you on the first point, but I'm not 100% sold.

    As far as the second, Hanz my dear, rewatch the first Coture Lidell fight and tell me who won the standup in that one, Randy BEAT Chuck standing. You talk about taking Chuck down like thats some easy task. Rampage and Randy both outboxed Chuck before taking him down and pounding him out

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