During the Staredown, Aretha Would DEFIANTLY Look Saad in the Eye's, Roy-Tarver II Style, and Say "You'd Better Think -THINK - Think about what You're Trying to Do to Me"...Clearly Irked, Saad would Bumrush Aretha at the Sound of the Bell, but like a "Bridge Over Troubled Water", Crossing the Ring to Engage Aretha Would Be a Risky Proposition, Something You'd Expect from a "Chain of Fools"... The Moment Saad Gets Close Enough, Aretha Would "Jump To It", Deliver "Something he Can Feel" & KO Saad Quicker than a Formula 1 Driver on the "Freeway of Love"... Aretha EASY...Saad vs. Qawi was More Competitive than This Would Be... REED:shadow: