Correction to title: Trainer ROGER MAYWEATHER. LAS VEGAS, Jan. 27 (UPI) -- A Las Vegas judge says he will issue a warrant for boxing trainer Roger Mayweather if he again misses a hearing on charges he assaulted a woman last summer. Clark County District Court Hearing Master Kevin Williams agreed to postpone Mayweather's scheduled Wednesday arraignment for a day after Mayweather's lawyer said his client could not make it. "If he is not here at 10:30 Thursday you can tell him we will send the police to look for him," Williams told attorney Jack Buchanan. Mayweather is charged with felony battery and other charges in the alleged beating of female boxer Melissa St. Vil at her Las Vegas apartment. Mayweather is the uncle and trainer of Floyd Mayweather Jr. The Las Vegas Sun reported Wednesday the prosecutor in the case told Williams he was concerned about Roger Mayweather's history of missing court dates. He said Mayweather has about 50 failure-to-appear dings on his record. What an idiot.
Classic instance of PED's Perpetrator Evades Destiny. He wont make it far on those legs of his, for sure.