Midnight Mass

Discussion in 'Movies & Televison: Reviews, Discussions & Debate' started by Xplosive, Oct 21, 2021.

  1. Xplosive

    Xplosive X-MOD Bad Motherfucker

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Your girl's crib
    Just watched this entire limited series on Netflix this week. HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend! I feel it's one of the best made horror series ever. The acting is superb.
  2. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    It’d be nice if you could do a more in depth review of this one. I’m intrigued and because of your review I even checked out Netflix’ trailer for this show but I still don’t totally get what it’s about.
  3. lb 4 lb

    lb 4 lb Fightbeat Gold Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    I did wind up watching this based on X’s recommendation and it was very good. I think one of the biggest facts that needs to be addressed is it would be criminal to label this series strictly as a horror. It’s more of a drama and you don’t really get any horror elements until maybe the third episode. So this is a bit of a slow burn of a series but it’s not for naught as the place it’s taking you is definitely worth the build up and journey. It’s not boring at all but just don’t be surprised if you’re watching and it doesn’t feel like a horror early on. There are also a few shocking revelations throughout the story.

    The only negatives I can come up with is most of the episodes had about a five minute musical sequence where no dialogue is being spoken and the story is moving along visually. I usually found these sequences annoying and unnecessary and I usually fast forwarded them. The dialogue was also long winded and overly drawn out at certain times and this is the opinion of a guy who’s favorite part of a drama is good dialogue. So in that vein I’d say the dialogue while great at times wasn’t consistently great throughout.

    Positive-wise, the pacing, direction, acting and the story were all great. The multiple characters and their personal and family stories were all very good as well. I would never sit through the whole thing again but I recommend it with the warning to be prepared to make an investment. 7/10

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