Cut or swelling..not broken leg or anything like that. Vargas against mosley in the first fight Thiam against Tito Rahman against Holyfield Vitali against Lennox Marciano against Ezzard Charles Something else?
:clap: VERY Good Call...That's the ONLY Time REED Can Recall TURNING AWAY from the T.V. During a Fight... It Looked like Dude's Ear was Gonna Fall OFF...Shit was DETACHED from the Side of his Head REED
What's the one that was so bad they thought it was an allergic reaction? It looked like Rahman on both sides of his face. James? White guy fringe contender...middleweight...on foxsports or prime maybe 7 years ago?
William "The Beaver" Joppy. :dunno: The days, when Hopkins still busted his ass for an extra 50000. ::
same here - a'gainst margarito by far, although vargas' eye against mosley and rahman's head against holy were pretty bad.
James Coker is the guy i was trying to think of. Can't find a picture of it. Here's the description from boxrec: Ref stops fight after 7th round due to Cokers face being extremely swollen and right eye completely closed. Cokers handlers claimed Mendozas gloves had been tampered with. Doctors suspected swelling was due to an allergic reaction. Case was turned over to an independent investigator, but closed due to a lack of evidence.
Hasim Rahman's second head is what caused Lennox Lewis to say, "I can see why Mike Tyson bit him". Here are some other grotesque ones:
Don't know if anyone remembers this but several years ago Roberto Duran fought a bum on Tuesday Night Fights in a tent in Illinois somewhere... Duran caught the guy with a single punch which broke the guys nose and caught the cartilidge to dislodge. It looked like the guys nose was facing sideways. ::
Basilios eye vs Robinson, II. Gattis the Manfredy fight and the Robinson fight {1st one I think...and thats Ivan, not Sugar Ray} Vitalis eye. Nandos eye, Rahmans haematoma, Joppys Jaw. Danny Williams shoulder vs Mark Potter.
I was at the Lujan\Margarito fight, sitting a few rows back from Lujan's corner, and it seemed like everyone except the ref could see that Lujan's ear was damn near torn off. It was a brutal injury, that's for sure. I remember watching TNF years ago, and there was some hyped up Russian, who for the life of me, I can't recall his name. He was fighting some ham and egger at the famed Blue Horizen, and the Ham and Egger just tore his face open. TNF and The Blue were a great combination. TFK
I think that was on one of the old "Fight Time On Fox" cards...cos I swear I remember that card hard Marrotta behind the mic. Cokers face was about twice as big as it should have been.