He beats em all assuming we're talking in a vacuum. Tszyu is by far his easiest fight on this list. Nap would beat Tszyu within an inch of his life.
Ortiz has the best chance out of all of them. I see Pryor and Tszyu getting the hell beaten out of them against Napoles.
My reasoning is that Tszyu is just too stiff and robotic for Nap. I feel like Mel, on the night he beat McGirt, could hang with Nap for a bit... before eventually getting dismantled.
Oh, I think KT gets his ass handed to him as well. He's too upright and stuff to avoid getting caught by Napoles arsenal. My reasoning for thinking that Taylor gets beaten the worst though is that he would give Napoles more opportunities than anybody but Pryor, but he was nowhere near as tough as Pryor. I think he'd get timed pretty early and battered from then on. I wouldn't pick anyone here over Napoles.