Oh snap!

Discussion in 'Training & Conditioning' started by LOK, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. LOK

    LOK I'll eat your asshole alive

    Dec 5, 2002
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    So after years off of mainly working out at home, running etc, I joined a MMA school.. I've been having a blast! Full contact stand up sparring once to twice a week and loving that as that is where I'm most comfortable.

    Now I'm learning more juijitsu and doing a lot of grappling as well. Two dys ago we had all out grappling where we'd pair up and just go at it.

    While my knowledge and technique is limited on the ground, I normally and faster and stronger than whoever they put me with and that helps.

    I think this past Saturday though somehow I either broke or bruised one of my fingers. Kind of annoying, I need to go get it xray'd
  2. BTF

    BTF Scrub

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Finger or knuckle injuries can REALLY, REALLY linger.

    Don't play around in having that looked into

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