Oscar is a such a pathological liar that I believe even most of his new "truths" are made up bullshit. He's still holding onto the fabrication that he abandoned Ryan after the Tank fight because of "death threats." He's simply a pathological liar. I know some in my personal life, we ALL know some in our personal lives. They tell slivers of truth here and there, but they're incapable of being 100% honest. He was asked to clarify how his mom "beat him" in an episode of The Breakfast Club, and he was like "You know, with the belt, hanger, stuff like that." Oscar, those of us in the pre-2000 generation ALLLLLLL got beat with belts and hangers growing up. Now, it's possible that Oscar's mom was excessive with it and did it too much and for no apparent reason, or it's possible Goldie is just whining for sympathy. Hard to tell which. I do feel bad for Oscar, because I predict his fate will end in suicide. Have no idea when - might be 10-15 years from now, but I think sometime in the next 20 years he's gonna off himself. He's just a troubled guy.
I think Oscar won’t live much longer either, but I suspect he’ll die of a heart attack or something related. He hasn’t handled retirement well. Almost every celebrity has indulged in the worst of the worst, but he really seems like a guy who can’t stay off drugs. In the same vein as some of those rock stars who died early deaths due to drugs. I see something like that happening to Oscar in his late 50s/early 60s.
It’s too bad he hasn’t offed himself already as it would have made for a better documentary. J/K By the way, nice title to the thread .
I think Floyd hates the sport and is actively trying to disgrace it. Heard he signed to fight the bullet ridden corpse of Sunny Corleone.
He's a freaking snake. Always has been, always will be. He's losing his best fighters for a reason. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, however, could Virgil be waiting out that contract or trying to screw De La Fancypants? When it was mom who was going to "beat" me, I'd laugh inside and cry outside thanking whomever almighty that it wasn't Dad.
I just got done watching the first 20 minutes of his documentary. I can't finish it, at least not today. The guy just comes across as too fake when he talks.
I hear she held the belt in her right hand with her right foot forward and Oscar went from just being grazed to taking an awful beating.
I doubt his mom beat him . My experience of every family with a domineering father is that the mom is overprotective of the kids.
There was no offence intended. Over here spilling beans simply means telling all about everyone, basically spilling your guts.
Yeah, just terrible. I thought the ''Oscar sucks at singing'' comments were mostly to hate on him, but wow this is bad.
Yeah spilt beans means the same state side. I did think the whole beans thing had a double meaning though since Oscar is Mexi American.
After a few years into his pro career, it was no secret among boxing circles that he was a bit of a snake. I remember one article saying he was his generation’s Sugar Ray Leonard. Not in the ring, but being two-faced and fake. Oscar just seems more lost and unhappy, while Ray seems more content with what he is. An asshole. Stories about Oscar’s weird gay shit are hilarious though.
REED and the Mrs. Watched the Documentary Recently & REED Came Away LIKING Dela More Than He Ever Had Previously... Typically, Dela is Soooo STAGED, Soooo SCRIPTED You Can Hear RIGIDITY In the Way he Talks...But in the Doc, Dela Spoke as FREELY, as FLUIDLY as REED's Ever Heard Him...Who Knows if That was the "REAL" Dela or Not, But There Seemed to Be a Sense of PEACE, an "AT EASE" Vibe That REED's Never Seen from Him Any Other Time... REED Also Realized He's Been Facebook Friends w/1 of Dela's Baby Momma's for Many Years Now....Angelique McQueen....REED Noticed Her Son, Devin, Looked a LOT Like a Young Dela, But Wasn't CERTAIN That was His Kid Until Watching the Doc... REED