Is on. I can see why the PED testing is so expensive. Floyd had to be chaperoned until he completed a sample. I think it will break the banks for promoters but they should make it mandatory for title fights at the very least.
The episode was interesting but nothing new. Mayweather comes off so fake with his trash talk. He's so inarticulate and has nothing creative to say. He's got zero charisma and is just annoying. Mosley to me looks a little too relaxed. Maybe its me but its not the Shane that we all remember back in the day. Lets see what happens.
Floyd literally just made me spit out my water with the comment about Shane's jheri curl.:laughing::laughing:
That's one of the things I hate about Mayweather, he's always been like that. Such an annoying, fake, try hard, prick - devoid of any wit or charisma. Guys like Mayorga and Toney at least are genuine, and have some wit and spark.
He said it towards the end of the show and also tried to rag on Shane not having an original nickname. This from the guy who spent the first 10 years of his career known as "Pretty Boy Floyd." But whatever. I only caught the last 10 minutes of the episode, but the Rocky nonsense - in addition to being way out of place - reeked of the same jump-the-shark momnets that have long ago ruined this series.
The best part of the piece was Brother Naazim. The rest was garbage. Also, seems Shane's under Floyd's skin more than I realized. Other than that...I can't see what the next three weeks will show that we didn't already know.
Does your theory that Mosley is under Mayweather jr.'s skin affect your prediction of who will win the fight?
The more Shane is under Mayweather's skin, the less likely Shane would win. Shane's best chance is for Floyd to take him lightly and not be motivated...
Disagree. Floyd always trains hard. None of that shit matters for these guys. They've been around too long.
It would be ironic and hilarious if they both fought like shit, more sluggish than usual etc, and blamed it on the blood tests ::
Fraudweather says Mosley's jeri curl is played out in 2010? I thought making fun of people's haircuts was sh*t done back in elementary school.:: Hopefully Fraud has better material as this 24/7 sh*t progresses.
Also the most boring piece of sh*t fight in boxing history. A fight which Fraudweather actually lost against a shot old inactive fighter who was not even half of his prime.::
Thanks bro, but I can't watch youtube, I'm on military deployment and it's blocked. By the way welcome back. Where the heck have you been?
Brother Nazim is a cool cat. Mayweather can't trash talk for shit but he is annoying and apparently annoyance sells so fair play to him.