Anyone else excited about this fight? I think this is going to be a war. I don't see either guy backing down in this fight and it should be very entertaining. Also looking forward to Florian vs. Guida. As ugly as a style as Guida has, I still love watching him fight. WAR GEICO!!! Mir seems pretty ripped. Probably a bad decision against Congo. The added mass will just slow him down. We shall see.
I think Penn\Sanchez and Guida\Florian will be very good fights. I think Penn will sub Sanchez and Florian wins a decision. Kongo is garbage so I can see Mir subbing him. I've never seen Mir this big...I think he's trying to get bigger so he can match up better with Lesnar, whom he seems obsessed with. Fitch should beat Pierce by decision, and I couldn't give a rats ass about Buentello and Struve. Unfortunately, tonight is my wife's work X-mas Party, so I'll be missing the PPV. But hopefully I can catch the fights online after. TFK
What REED Likes about Penn vs. Sanchez is that Sanchez GENUINELY Seems CONFIDENT about his Chances...Granted, REED CAN'T See him Beating B.J., but it's Encouraging that Sanchez Comes in CONFIDENT... The Thing is, B.J. is THE BEST @ 155...That's HIS Domain...Just as 170 is GSP's Domain & 185 is Anderson Silva's Domain... As for the Other Bouts, REED Thinks Florian & Mir R Tooooooooo TECHNICAL for the Likes of Guida & Congo...Florian & Mir R Kinda Stuck in "No Man's Land"; NOT Good Enough to B the CHAMP, yet Tooooooooo GOOD to B GateKeepers... REED:hammert:
ok, I am going out and calling it right now! Diego wins late by ground and pound stoppage. REED is right, Diego is one of the first 155 fighters that has had confidence going into a match against BJ. I also have an insider's trading tip, a friend of mine went to BJ's camp to spar with BJ. (he has a style very similar to Diego). He told me it was a weak camp, BJ looked fat and chubby. They stood around laughing and cuttin it up allot, making fun of Diego and the TUF show. My friend told me it did not remind him of a camp getting ready to fight for the UFC belt. BJ should win, and he would definitely win a rematch, but I think he gets caught slippin here! WAR DIEGO!:hammert:
I'm also picking Sanchez. i don't know why, I just am. I used to hate that guy but he's grown on me a bit, I liked that interview they did on TUF finale last week, he seemed confident but respectful to BJ.
the kid is out of his freaking mind though, there's no question about that:
it's on sopcast on mmtv. it should also be here but that stream usually breaks for me often:
Guida is fucking repulsive. He seems like he stinks. Probably the long hair. I cannot root for the guy. He seems cool and he has heart but there's something about him that annoys me. He looks like a fucking monkey.
Yeah! You nailed it. Guida looks like a fucking caveman. A dirty caveman (an oxymoron I know but I had to say it).
Surprised the doc could still stand after that dirty burp. What a fucking caveman (copyright MWS 2009).
When I see a dude walking to the octogon with sunglasses the first word that springs to my mind is : douchebag.