Who lost the "fight of the century?" Whoever this guy is, he gets credit for being some all-time world beater, while the guy that actually won "the fight of the century" doesn't get 1/10th the respect. Doesn't really seem fair. Were the 60+ win trailblazers of 1992 the "best team in the league" even though they lost the biggest series of their season. Someone enlighten me on how a guy who lost the biggest fight of his career, went on to lose at least 5 more times whie being considered the best, gets to be considered the best?
The Trailblazers weren't the best team in the league. The Bulls had a better regular season record and handled Portland in the Finals. As far as the question, the so called "Fight Of The Century" depending on who you ask can be a number of fights. Guess I'm not a historian.
Myself being a boxing Historian, I'd say Gatti was certainly overrated from his loss against Mickey Ward while Ward gets no credit for winning the fight of the century.
I meant the 1991 season, where the blazers had the best regular season record, and lost to the Lakers. Yet in boxing, some fighters get excusing for losing the biggest fights of their lives...for example this person who I'm thinking of, who is regarded quite highly compared to the man that won the biggest fight of the century.:dunno:
The Fight of the Century was Frazier-Ali 1. No other sporting event has or will ever come close to that one.
People can't see a bum when they see one nowadays, look how many fan this guy, pretty boy they call him, has: a legion!!!!
If this "Guy" that YOU Speak of is the SAME Cat that REED Thinks it is, his LOSS N the "Fight of the Century" is Relatively EASY to Explain... That Fight Took Place AFTER a Near 4 Year LAYOFF which Started DURING that "Guys" ABSOLUTE PRIME Fighting Years...This Fighter was like 28-0 w/22-23 KO's @ the Time of his FORCED Exile,if REED's Not Mistaken... AND, this "Guy" Fought a TOTAL of 3 Bouts PRIOR to Facing the Eventual WINNER of the "Fight of the Century"... After 3 Fights & 4 Years of INACTIVITY,this "Guy" Jumped N there w/the Recognized Best... This "Guy" was NEVER EVER the Same after that EXILE,yet he Went 2-1 vs the WINNER of the "Fight of the Century", AND Beat the Dude who WIPED HIS ASS w/the Eventual WINNER of the "Fight of the Century"... REED ps. What EXACTLY do the '92 Blazers have to Do w/the "Guy" REED Thinks U're Speaking of???:dunno: ...
That's UNnecessary,Dog:nono: ... The Transition from SIMILAC Ain't that Easy...Cut Jaws some Slack... REED
Bullshit. Nobody takes this much to excuse the loser of big fights. Ali's career is the most over-hyped and excused in history. He loses the biggest fight of his life, and tricks everyone into thinking he's the ultimate winner. How is that fucking possible. It'd be like saying John Elway is the ultimate winner because he got to the big game over and over and eventually won. The truth is Ali fought an old, paranoid Liston who quit on his stool in one fight and took a dive in another. Then he fought absolute BUMS (being floored and nearly stopped by Henry Cooper and winning a close BOOed decision against Doug jones) then was forced into exile. He comes back beating top ten guys, ready to dominate again, and he gets beaten to shit by Joe Frazier. Then he beats some solid guys, some bums, and meets Ken Norton twice, getting the shit beat out of him in the first fight, and getting a nice christmas present type gift in the rematch. In the meantime Joe Frazier had been battered and abused by George Foreman. He is on a serious downslide and then Ali decides to take him on, in a fight nobody remembers he wins a close boring decision. Then comes the Foreman fight. Ali tells everyone in camp that he's gonna box and move against the guy, and from the first round its clear George cuts off the ring better than Ali moves. So what do the Ali fans tell you, that he PLANNED to sit on the ropes and let Foreman wail on him, yet another myth. In this huge fight, Ali's balls and skills win him a great KO, one of the biggest wins in HW history, but does that excuse what happened before then? So we get to Manila, and Frazier is shot beyond recognition. He's already legally blind GOING INTO THE FIGHT but he puts up a good showing and gets battered down the stretch. At the time of the stoppage, Ali's corner was ready to stop the fight. Another great win, but over a guy who had already beaten him in the professed "fight of the century" as well as being battered by Foreman something fierce. Then Ali continues on, getting gift after gift, including one he shakes his own head after hearing (norton 3.) Then he's past it, winning on sheer grit and balls, something he had in spades. But when its said and done, he fought lackluster comp in his youth, and got an aging paranoid fighter with mob ties, then got beaten in his next biggest encounter. He gets barraged by Norton ver and over, has good wins over foreman and frazier (in rematches) and all of a sudden he's invincible?... bullshit
Silence Aussie. "This guy" gets more protection than Magic johnson's penis and people of all idiocies and status jump on his dick despite his glorified and falsified career, and his own blatant racism:dunno:
if its the protection ur hinting at :laughing: if its the black supremicy stuff...i just cant help it:dunno: ...sorry?
well id just like to take the time out to say thank you for seeing the light on the myth of Ali.:bears:
Ali is a legend and deserves it, I can't stand the SOB and it pisses me off when someone makes me have to defend him. He fought everyone, yeah there were strange circumstances surrounding some of his fights but Ali had nothing to do with it (or why would he stand over Liston screaming for him to get up?). As for the fight of the century it really should be fight(s) of the century as they fought three times and the score is Ali 2 - Frazier 1. Your agenda is getting old, why don't you just make a topic telling us how all old time fighters suck and couldn't beat today's golfers...er I mean boxers. BTW - Ali TKO 5 Wlad 10 out of 10 times, don't kid yourself!
Using your own analogy, it's not how you performed during the regular season that counts it's how you ended up. It's not a single win that counts in a fighter's career, it's how they ended their career and, therefore, how it's viewed as a whole. In that regard, Ali rightfully towers over Frazier. This approaches I and I standards...:doh:
dsimon writes: You are a real piece of work junior. You start a thread with some obtuse question and people make an effort to answer it and all this time you simply wanted to trash Ali. Why not simply start the thread with this post?
dsimon writes: I feel your pain as I am very fond of Ali. I like Jaws and usually can tolerate his mecurial posting behavior but this stuff pisses me off.
It's NOT an Excuse,it's a FACT that Ali Fought "The Fight of the Century" AFTER a Nearly 4 Year Layoff...AND, Frazier was his THIRD Fight Back...w/Out Looking,Ali Fought Jerry Quarry,Oscar Bonavena & then Jumped RIGHT INTO the Frazier Fight,if REED's Not Mistaken... Watch ANY Fight of the PRE-Exile Ali & REED SHOULDN'T have to Tell U that there's a CONSIDERABLE Difference N the POST-Exile Ali...Mike Tyson was a BRAWLER,yet he was NEVER the Same after 3 Years N Jail...A Guy like Ali,who Relied on SPEED,TIMING,ACCURACY,REFLEXES & his LEGS would Naturally Suffer WORSE from Inactivity... Yeah,Ali LOST the "Fight of the Century",but he BEAT Sonny Liston N the Biggest Upset EVER (@ that Time),he BEAT Frazier TWICE (Including the Thrilla N Manilla) & he BEAT Foreman N the "Rumble N the Jungle"...Ali was Involved N EVERY Big Fight of the 70's & he WON the Vast Majority of them...Ali BEAT Every Major Heavyweight of his Era...He Quite Possibly has THE BEST Resume EVER... Yet, U're RiDICKulously CLINGING to ONE Loss & Calling him the Ultimate LOSER???:: Ali MADE Liston QUIT on the Stool...After Taking an Asswhipping,Liston TRIED to Cheat by Rubbing a Substance N Ali's Eyes & Even that DIDN'T Work...The Doug Jones Decision was "Booed" Because it Took Place N MSG & Jones is a NATIVE NEW YORKER:: Do YOURSELF a Favor & Watch a Documentary Called "When we were Kings"...U'll CLEARLY See Ali PRACTICING Laying on the Ropes,ABSORBING Punishment...Ali KNEW Better than ANYBODY that he DIDN'T have the Legs OR Stamina to MOVE from Foreman All Night...So he THOUGHT of a Way to Win... REED Likes your Spirit...You're Full of Piss & Vinegar...Unfortunately,the PISS is Infiltrating your Thought Process... REED