Hey guys. I just started a podcast to cover sports and everything else. This episode remembers the war that was Corrales vs. Castillo and the life of Diego Corrales. Hope you take a listen. The Joe King Show-Corrales vs. Castillo by The Joe King Show • A podcast on Anchor
Corrales-Castillo was an ATG fight because it was a very, very, very rare occurrence when a fight hits on every single note. These were two elite fighters, fighting for lightweight unification, in a fight that had sustained action every minute of every round, with sublime infighting skill and combination punching displayed by both guys, culminated by one of the most dramatic finishes in the sport's history. It was already a great fight had Castillo stopped Corrales in the 10th - Chico's miracle comeback put it on a different level. It was the just perfect storm of a great fight, and there hasn't been anything like it since. It was truly a fight that caught lighting in a bottle. I don't know if we'll ever see a Castillo-Corrales 1 again in our lifetimes.
Best fight I've seen live on tv in my lifetime. It was expected to be a good fight but not that good.
after the first round (i think it was) when corrales shocked castillo with the first big left hook, i thought it might end up an early night for castillo.
I'm not sure I would call it cheating, but it definitely left a bad taste. Quite unfortunate since without this, I think it would have a strong case of being the best fight (and comeback) ever (though it would have robbed us of the ''you better fucking get inside on him now'' quote from Goosen )
Not sure where you are getting with this to be honest or if it's some kind of joke attempt that went over my head
no. not joking. just trying to understand your point. from my reading, you said the mouth piece robbed us of a great comeback. how so?
His actions were clearly deliberate and designed to buy time. I guess one could argue that some referees might view purposely spitting out your mouthpiece when you're on the canvas as not wanting any more. Luckily that didn't happen.
i still run into people who were also at that fight who tell me how legendarily intoxicated i was afterward.
To me the mouthpiece thing is a bit like the Pryor black bottle thing in that it adds a layer of controversy that makes the fight even more memorable and is a point of debate that will go on for years...but I also have a 'who gives a fuck' feeling about it as both fights were so incredibly good that fixating on that over all the unbelievable action seems somewhat perverse to me. And in the case of Corrales-Castillo it's actually part of what makes round 10 so compelling.
Personally, the stoppage bothers me a lot more than the mouthpiece. Castillo was probably done, but after seeing him (and corrales) come back from the brink so many time in that fight, i think he deserved more leniency than that
castillo almost got decapitated like campas vs trinidad. if he was allowed to continue it was gonna get ugly
Had he gone down, he probably would have got some recovery time but he was stuck on the ropes and taking hard, unanswered shots. It's tough to argue strongly against the intervention. I think it's more the context of what went before rather than it being a badly timed stoppage.
I was up in the cheap seats and I could see that he was done at the time. He was staggered badly and he was defenseless. Weeks actually saved him.
Castillo was helpless on the ropes. Weeks had to stop it. It was arguably the best fight ever. It was fought at a high level as they were the top 2 LWs in the world, and both of them showed terrific infighting. One of the great things about it is that it kept getting better and better as it went along. The first 6 rounds were already top quality, and round 7 was better. Round 8 was already a Round of the Year type candidate. Just watch how great the the 8th round is and picture that hardly anyone would remember it, because it got even better
I can't remember too clearly but I'm pretty sure people were on their feet from that round until the end.
I don't remember that but he was using every excuse in the book to justify the loss. Diego spit the mouthpiece out but he tried to pick it up immediately WHILE GETTING UP. Weeks correctly deducted the point on the second warning. I had no problem with that. I'm sure Diego was buying time, never going to argue against that.
Hard To Think of Anything That HASN'T Already Been Said About Corrales-Castillo I... There was a Time REED Wondered "What's the BEST Fight I've Ever Seen?"...Carbajal-Gonzalez I???...Ali-Frazier III???...Foreman-Lyle???...Gatti-Ward I, Gatti-Ruelas, Gatti-Rodriguez, Gatti-Robinson I???...Maybe a Frank "The Animal" Fletcher Fight, or 3???... But After Witnessing Corrales-Castillo I, REED "Wondered" No More...Taking ALL Things Into Consideration, Hitting On "Every Single NOTE" as Xplosive Stated, It's a Rather CLEAR Choice in REED's Opinion... REED was Actually Helping Out w/Round by Round on BoxingFanatics That Night and Recalls Typing Words to the Effect of Chico's Inevitable DOOM After the 2nd Knockdown...The MOUF' Piece Episode Didn't Make REED Any More OPTIMISTIC About Corrales' Chances Either... He Looked DONE...AF!!!... Goosen Takes a BIT Looooooooooonger Rinsing/Replacing the MOUF' Piece and Says "You Gotta Fucking Get INSIDE On Him Now!!!"...That was Angelo Dundee-Sugar Ray Leonard - "You're BLOWING It Now Son, You're BLOWING It" All Over Again, in REED's Opinion... Whatever was LEFT in Chico, Goosen Brought It OUT of His Fighter That Night, When He Needed it MOST...People See the HAIR, the TAN, the SHIRTS, But Goosen's a BOXING Guy @ the Core...Always Been a Fave of REED's... The Counter Right Hook that Buzzed Castillo Brought Winky Wright AND REED Out of Their Seats (From Home, in REED's Case), Simultaneously...The Follow Up Left Hook was a Certified Tied Turning, "Oh Shit, He Can WIN This!" Moment... The URGENCY Winky, James Toney and JPrince Exhibited in that Moment, Juxtaposed w/the SHOCKED Looks of Chavez Sr and Jr (Seated the Next Row Behind the Wink), FULLY CAPTURED Just How Improbable the Shift in Momentum Was... After the Stoppage, the LOOK On Goosen's Face was PRICELESS Also, as he Sprinted Across the Ring to Congratulate His Fighter... The Unfiltered SHOCK and AWE On the Face of a Trainer/Commentator Who's BEEN There, DONE That Defies Words...He'd ALREADY Imparted His Last Bit of DESPERATE "Wisdom" Upon Chico and Here they Were, Victorious Seconds Later...WOW!!!... Round 10 and the Fact Corrales Died on the ANNIVERSARY Of This Fight is True TEAR JERKER Shit for a Die-Hard Boxing Fan...Fuck a Chick-Flick, THIS Type of Shit Brings TEARS to REED's Eyes.... REED