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"Experienced version of Prime Toney with punching power that was Mike Tyson like" Ah, nevermind, it was written by that Monte Cox guy
Damn, it took nearly minute and half from me to figure out that the video is a joke and not just an unintentional one:bangh:
Monte Cox might be the biggest douche in the history of this great sport. Nevermind. He's second to Tracy Callis
John L Sullivan, Jack Johnson, Langford, JJ Corbett, Tommy Burns, James Jeffries, Jess Willard, etc....good/great fighters for their time...but today they would get destroyed... :crafty:
Jake La Motta beats Joe Calzaghe in the matchup of angry Italian dudes with unstable family lives and addiction problems of one sort or another. Followed quickly by the supporting main event, Ricky Hatton vs Tony Galento in the matchup of two lard ass bastards with drinking and eating habits of biblical proportions. Then the main event, Vitali vs Sam Langford, in what has been billed "The Ku Klux Klans Wettest Wet Dream"..
The soundtrack is riveting. I might just minimize the page and let that play over and over again in the background.
Sanders wouldn't lay a glove on him. Wlad is chinless, Sam had an iron chin. Corrie would be pummeled by Langford.
I have doubted Cupey's knowledge of the sport in the past, but not anymore. Sanders would definitely beat up Corrie!:bears:
Also that vid is hilarious, the video consists of Langford stalking equally small, slow white guys, hands down chin up, swinging haymakers like a washwoman. Then it shows his defense highlights, which consists of blocking left jabs. ::
as Jack Dempsey, the first modern heavyweight VIVIDLY proved I have screamed it at the top of my lungs for years that boxing as we know it started its formation in the late teens, early 20s
Sam Langford was great for his time and fought incredibly stiff opposition, often men far larger than he... BUT, he was clearly OLD OLD SCHOOL... any halfway decent heavyweight from Dempsey onward would have annihlated him