If he fights the Barrera that went a little crazy for a minute there, Sanchez would win clearly. But Barrera wouldn't fight him that way. He would be doing some boxing and scheming on his own and I really don't have any idea who would win. Which is why I would be anxiously awaiting the fight and wouldn't miss it for anything. I have seen a lot of Barrera, in arenas, on TV and in gyms and I have always thought highly of him. Sanchez is, I think, pretty wildly overrated. Good fighter, very skilled but to put him in the top 3 at the weight...he needed to show me more and he wasn't able to do so.
Sanchez is a class above imo. If Barrera is very aggressive, Sanchez takes it commandingly. If not, he has trouble but it's still decisive. Morales, in the second fight at 126, made Barrera have a low punch output, kept him frustrated and even had him lunging at times when he tried to box in the first 6 by using his height and controlling ring centre. Sanchez is better than Morales in all regards concerning ring general ship, positioning and intelligent application of his attributes. I don't really see any way Barrera can beat him.