I think the term is often over used. Often when a guy is outboxed it referred to as a "schooling" when it's not the case. A good example would be Whitaker-Chavez. Whitaker was robbed unquestionably and beat Julio to the punch most of the night but it wasn't a one sided dominant performance. Whitaker-Haugen on the other hand was a schooling. Ditto Hopkins-Trinidad. Mayweather-Corrales = Schooling Mayweather - ODLH not. What are some examples of fights where the term 'schooled' is appropriate?
Roy Jones - Hall Jones - Telesco Jones - [insert name here] Hopkins - Trinidad Wright - Trinidad Mayweather - Gatti Calzaghe - Lacy
Another Criteria of a "Schooling" is that the Bout GENERALLY Go's the DISTANCE or @ Least the LATTER Rounds...It RARELY Results in a KO in REED's Opinion...A PROLONGED, 1 Sided, SKILLFULLY Embarassing Defeat... Roy SCHOOLED James Toney...Whittaker SCHOOLED Buddy McGuirt in the RE (REED Personally WOULD Classify Whittaker-Chavez as a Schooling, by the Way)... Paul Malignaggi SCHOOLED Lovemore N'Dou... REED
agREED w/All but the Highlighted Examples... Being NITPICKY, those Bouts were a Bit Tooooooooo VIOLENT to Classify as "Schoolings" N REED's Opinion:: ... N a "Schooling", the "Damage" is Almost More MENTAL than PHYSICAL...Roy & Floyd were PUNISHING Hall & Gatti in those Bouts... REED
That was a beatdown. I tend to view fights like this as one where the guy doesn't KO the person but systematically takes the guy apart and makes him give up on himself during the fight. Wright-Trinidad comes to mind and MAB-Hamed could be a candidate.
Perhaps for the first 5 or 6 rounds when the crowd managed to stay in the building before getting bored.
See my problem with most of these examples (along with Floyd-Baldomir) is that they were mismatches on paper to begin with. Calzaghe-Lacy is a great example, as are the two Trinidad fights (as much as it pains me to say it). But Jones-Hall? Telesco? and basically 80% of his competition? TWINS' Jones-Toney example was much better. IMO, schooling is overused and abused in that sense as well. It should be reserved for fights where it wasn't necessarily expected. Floyd-Baldomir was boring not only because it lacked action and the slightest bit of drama, but because it also played out exactly as expected.
Yeah but that's a different topic. The thread starter didn't qualify schoolings..that they had to be associated with expected close fights going in.
True. I'm just offering my opinion. That said, look at your examples, and then look at his. Whitaker-Haugen was probably the closest thing to a perceived matchup on that list - it's arguably the Floyd-Baldomir of the list, though even at that, Haugen was a lot closer to being a live underdog than was the featherduster salesman.
As commonly used, the term 'schooled' is strongly correlated with poster's personal regard for the loser of the fight
ok here's some more for consideration: Nunn/Barkley McCallum/McCrory Duran/Moore (this might have been a beat-down, not sure) Johnston/Manfredy Salido/Guerrero Quintana/Julio
Notice that Oscar and Castillo never schooled ANYONE of note. It takes a master boxer to be able to school a good opponent. in any event, I digress: Leonard - Duran 3