I worked on that all day today, going back and forth with a few companies. It should be all done with now.
I thought I got suspended. I was cursing FightBeat, calling everybody thin-skinned f*ckers who can't take a joke.
Buddy Rydell...always quietly crawling through the back door to add his little quip and crawling away just as fast...back into his little hole! :bears:
Pfft, petty little insults like that don't disturb me. I'm a hard skinned mofo! I can take ANYTHING!!! I'll just send an indian suicide bomber to your house later. Tee Hee...
I appreciate that, Hanzy...but we have three other owners. Ah well, the day's events taught me that the site and its responsibilities are definitely in our hands for a long time to come.
I have to say Buddy... this is consistent withyou over the years... You share a hell of alot of information, that you don't really need to share. All you really had to say was: It was down, I made a call, and now it's up. ::
Yeah, Buddy Jr probably gets some of the greatest bed time stories I'm betting, lasting all the way past midnight.
When i saw 'ACCOUNT BANNED' i quickly panicked, 'maybe i didn't self-censor my Valero-related posts afterall'
That was my exciting day. If I just answered no to your comment, you probably would have said "Yeah right, you didn't pay the bills". I had to share my tale of woe with the Fightbeat faithful. You're right, Sly. I'll delete the particulars.