In light of Berchelt-Valdez, I thought that some fights are not only upsets but end up being totally unlike what most expected them to be. Whether it is an unlikely K.O. or an unlikely boxing clinic, some fights surprise or even shock people. Here are some that caught me totally off guard : 1) Vernon Forrest - Shane Mosley 1 : Mosley looked poised for a pretty good run. He was fast, powerful and durable, he was in his absolute prime. Forrest on the other hand, didn't look that impressive. Good fighter, pretty conventional. He looked more like a stepping stone than anything else. Yeah, he had advantages over Mosley and they might pose problems. Maybe he could outpoint him in a close decision, a style thing I guess... And then bang, early in the fight Forrest hurts Mosley with a right hand and proceeds to nearly decapitate him with a thunderous uppercut. Mosley finished the fight on his feet (props to him) but I never expected the fight to go that way. 2) Pac-Marquez IV : Pac is beating up Marquez and looks on his way to finally stop Marquez (IMHO) and then that vicious (and perfect) right hand lands and leaves Pac totally unconscious on the canvas. After 3 evenly matched fights, this is a result I never expected. I could list many others but I guess you understand where I'm going with this thread. These fights are the reason I enjoy boxing so much.
Roy - Tarver II .... If that's the one you had in mind, I thought about it but left it for Jones fans..
Roy Tarver 2 was shocking but not that shocking. We already saw Tarver giving a lot of trouble to RJ the first time around, and we knew Tarver was a bomber. Wasnt there at the time, but i guess Hearns Duran must have been pretty shocking
I felt it was a possibility (re Roy-Tarver 2) but I didn't expect it to be that conclusive that fast! I guess Duran-Hearns was shocking too but I wasn't old enough back then and I didn't have a big interest in boxing. I believe you can only be shocked by a fight when you are aware of the context in which it is held when you watch it.
I'll fuckin moderate your posts until the end of time if you ever utter the words "Roy-Tarver II" again. It's FORBIDDEN!! This is a Tyson, Duran, Jones safe space that we're living in, buddy! I'll give you a pass, but you're on thin ice, typist!
Virtually nobody gave a Tarver a chance in the rematch. You know that. The general sentiment was that Roy would be in better shape in the rematch, and that if Tarver couldn't beat a Jones at 50%, there was no way he could beat a sharper Roy in the rematch. The idea of Roy getting knocked out never crossed anyone's mind. Before the Tarver rematch, Roy had a rep for having one of the most dependable chins in the sport. No one ever dreamed that he would get iced in 2 with one left hand.
Danny Williams vs Tyson. Tyson was shot but Danny Fucking Williams, coming off a 6th rounds KO loss to Sinan Samil-Sam and a 12 round UD loss to Michael Sprott, unloading on Tyson and making him quit was still shocking at the time.
I knew after Williams survived the first 2 rounds that he was gonna win. Post-Lewis Tyson was gonna lose to anybody with two hands who fought back. Totally shot.
Coetzee-Spinks. Spinks had just gone 30 total rounds with Ali and never been stopped, then gets plastered in 1 by a guy largely unknown outside of SA. Nelson-Fenech II. Most people figured Nelson was going down to Australia to "sell" his title, but The Professor had other ideas.
Corrales - Casamayor II. Chico's victory wasn't a big shocker, but him outboxing an Olympic gold medalist was quite surprising
All great choices here, Lads. Cheers. Ive a strange one for here. Garza Mesa. I know I was pretty shocked.
He was too shot to beat an "E-LITE" fighter, and he wasn't looking good in sparing leading up to the fight.
Off topic, but did anyone else hear the time his cell phone went off during a fight and you could hear him whispering, "I can't talk now... I'm on HBO" during the live broadcast?
Giardello vs Flanegan and Leonard vs Duffy were so bad that the public almost refused to believe them.
Agreed Jones losing the re?? Maybe. By early ko after having already taken Tarver's best while weight drained? No way in hell (since it was before we learned about Jones, let's say, less than desirable chin).
I disagree on this. RJ was a solid favorite on the re, but not a huge one (-550 IIRC, while he was -800 for the first one). And there was always suspicion on RJ chin after the Del Vall Kd, especially from ''haters'' but still. Don't get me wrong, it was a shocking result, but not nearly in the same stratosphere as Tyson Douglas. All Jones fight were nervous as fuck come fight night (i know I was one of them). That showed that we saw Tarver as a huge threat
DLH-PAC was fucking shocking. Pacman was cherrypicked by DLH to get his career rolling again (he was fighting at two divisions below at the time, and looked like a midget next to DLH)), and the golden boy just got slaughtered in there. Pac was landing the same combos at will and getting away without damage. Everybody was expecting DLH to eventually land a big shot and turn it around, but he never even came close. it was a complete and utter thrashing EDIT: well, just looked and DLH was only a 2-1 favorite. So maybe isn't shocking as I rebembered
I agree, I was shocked too. I remember thinking Pac was biting more than he could chew. In hindsight, I guess DLH was more past it than I believed but still, that was a shocking beating. I'm not sure any version of DLH could have beaten that Pacquiao that night...
A lot more low profile, but Byrd losing to Georges was pretty shocking. Most expected him to make a good run at LHw. But he was weight drained after fighting all these years as a HW
This one is pretty recent and the result itself wasn't shocking (although I felt Fury should have won) but I was shocked when Fury got up after the knock down in the twelfth round of his first fight against Wilder. He didn't stay that long on the canvas but he looked totally done. And to add to this feat, he finished the fight on a very good note. Quite a gutsy guy!