for not taking a tune up fight? I know he's hijacked a title shot, but taking on Peter with no tune up is admirable IMHO.
Not really imo. At his age and health who knows what could have happened if they decided to take a tune-up. If fighting a can was a viable alternative, i think team Klitshcko would have. It's just not really an option.
It will be a miracle if he even makes it to the Peter fight without getting injured in training. Taking a tune-up would probably be a disaster waiting to happen.
Well hurry up and graduate so you can make the big money and fly me out there and pay for everything.
Vitali SHAMELESSLY DUCKED Hasim Rahman about 123 Times...& Even Though Rahman Certainly ISN'T Anything to Write Home About, the Fact REMAINS, Vitali DUCKED him... The FUNNY Thing is, Vitali FANS like to Say that Lennox AVOIDED a RE w/Vitali, yet those Same Fans WON'T Address the MULTITUDE of EXCUSES Vitali Found to NOT Face Rahman... REED:hammert:
I had a ringside ticket and the day off for Rahman/Vitaly. I was pissed off when he bitched out. That's why I'm giving him credit here. He would have put Rahman down easy, which is why I was going to the fight in the first place. I'll give him credit for this and if he wins, good for him.
You can't duck people who have no business being in the same ring with you... That's like saying Roy Jones ducked Dariusz... I know he got the fight lined up but he got injured that's not ducking - Does Abraham duck Marquez?? Yeah very likely... ::
dsimon writes: It is smart Joe. Vitali sees an opportunity. Neither Klitschko would go out of the way to take a fight arbitrarily, or to entertain and challenge... they are calculating. Lewis was calculating but decided to take good fights... god bless him! these guys take no risks. Vitali knows as sure as the sun sets tomorrow if he stays away and uses his perimeter he will beat Sam Peter.
dsimon writes: Your point of view has some credability which only adds to the intrigue, some might say confusion, caused by Vitali seemingly avoiding Rahman. There certainly is no logical reason for him to fear Rahman.
Or to take four years out of his prime earning potential, just for it. Only a fucking moron would think he was ducking Rahman...while being repeatedly gimpy on a leg and losing squillions of HBO dollars.
But if U can ADMIT that he BITCHED OUT, HOW Can U B Sooooo Certain that Vitali Would've BEATEN Rahman???:dunno:...Obviously, he WASN'T Sooooooooo CONFIDENT N his OWN Chances of Winning... Also, Rahman is Close to IMPOSSIBLE to Predict...Him BEATING Vitali WOULDN'T have Been the Biggest Upset Ever... REED:hammert:
Yawn:boohoo: Nice Try, Konstantine... Floyd was Offered MargariTO AFTER he ALREADY Had his Sights SET on DeLa...So Floyd Faced Baldomir for the SAME MONEY he was Offered to Face MargariTO, THEN he Faced Dela for MORE than TWICE as Much...Then Hatton... N the Case of Vitali-Rahman, Vitali BACKED OUT of the Fight AFTER SIGNING The CONTRACT, on 3 SEPERATE Occasions that REED Knows of...THEN, Dude just Flat Out RETIRED...Dude Even Had HBO Put Together a "Countdown" Show for a Fight that NEVER Materialized... Loooooooong Story Short, there's NOfuckingCOMPARISON... REED:nono:
Of course there's no comparison. One guy was offered a career high purse, turned it down and fought a lesser opponent for considerably less money. The other guy had an operation, retired and went into politics.
Exactly right. Gotta give the guy props for laying off 4 years and fighting any top guy, no matter how limited that guy might be.
Dude, Vitali had 3 DIFFERENT Injuries... AFTER SIGNING a Fucking CONTRACT!!!...Sorry, but @ SOME Point U Need to FIGHT the Motherfucker, ESPECIALLY When U PERSIST N SIGNING the Contract... So HOW is that Analogous w/Roy NOT Facing Some EuroBUM who was Content w/NEGLECTING America to the Detriment of HIS OWN Career???... REED:dunno:
Either REED's Recollection of the Proceedings is Waaaaaaay OFF OR, Ya'll R GROSSLY Mistaken... REED Recalls Vitali-Rahman Being SIGNED 3 DIFFERENT Times, w/Vitali Coming Up "Injured" 3 DIFFERENT Times... So Unless REED is WRONG, there's Absolutely NO Positive Spin to Place on Vitali's Actions....If he COULD Beat Rahman he WOULD Have... REED:hammert:
this thread is about Vitaly. What and how did Roy Jones get drawn into this ???? Fucking stupid. Jones at his very best is better than any fighter I have seen in my 30 years as a boxing fan