Silva vs Hunt

Discussion in 'General MMA Discussion' started by flex, Jan 13, 2005.

  1. flex

    flex Scrub

    Feb 15, 2003
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    This fight was just further proof that Wand's record is "Padded" and the "he hadn't lost is however many years" was just another way to overrate him.

    Mark Hunt is a complete newb to the sport of MMA with a wooping three NHB fights under his belt. He beat the so called fighter of the year and as some say "p4p" best in MMA.

    Now if Silva had lost to someone like Ricco, Barrnett, Rizzo, Fedor, Nogiera ect...., top Hvyweights with years and years of experience in MMA, then it wouldn't be that big of a deal but the fact is Silva lost to a heavyweight who is basically MMA illiterate.

    In fact so "green" that he used a flying butt bomb at one point in the fight which was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a MMA event but also proof of how inexperinced and Mark Hunt really is.

    Anyway, the real point is that Wand is one of the best out there but Randy Corture is the best lightheavyweight of the world as of now.

    Is almost hilarious to hear people boast about Wand beating the Yuki Kondos and Sakarabas of the world and then seeing people write off Randy's dominating victories over Liddell, Tito, and Belfort (two of which owned Silva in the past)

    Silva may have beaten Jackson who is definatly a a top lthvy and that's his carrier highlight.

    Randy has EASILY dominated three top lightheavyweights in 04 and that makes him my #1 seat with Silva falling in 2nd.

    peace :drink:
  2. NeighborMike

    NeighborMike Senior Member

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  3. flex

    flex Scrub

    Feb 15, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :D [/b][/quote]
    Almost as funny as "Mirko's expert BBJ shown against Randleman" :D
  4. NeighborMike

    NeighborMike Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :D [/b][/quote]
    Almost as funny as "Mirko's expert BBJ shown against Randleman" :D [/b][/quote]
    you have tottally no arguement against what I said, now your saying wandy got owned by hunt when a huge majority of people (including hunt) thought wandy won
  5. flex

    flex Scrub

    Feb 15, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :D [/b][/quote]
    Almost as funny as "Mirko's expert BBJ shown against Randleman" :D [/b][/quote]
    you have tottally no arguement against what I said, now your saying wandy got owned by hunt when a huge majority of people (including hunt) thought wandy won [/b][/quote]
    Actually you got owned and exposed pretty bad on that subject matter, no response was needed. :twak:
    By the way as popluar and well liked and resepcted as I am here :YeahRight: , didn't you find in strange no one came to support you with anythign intelligent. I'll leave it at that.

    Anyway Coture #1

  6. NeighborMike

    NeighborMike Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :D [/b][/quote]
    Almost as funny as "Mirko's expert BBJ shown against Randleman" :D [/b][/quote]
    you have tottally no arguement against what I said, now your saying wandy got owned by hunt when a huge majority of people (including hunt) thought wandy won [/b][/quote]
    Actually you got owned and exposed pretty bad on that subject matter, no response was needed. :drink: [/b][/quote]
    there was a reponse needed, your claim is that you can gullutine your little friend in the front yard of some ones house, that anyone can do it

    i said, go watch waterman/randleman and see what happins when you try a gullutine wrong, and why its a prime example of showing how mirko did a good job, becuase a fight before randleman escaped the very same move

    then you did not respond
  7. NeighborMike

    NeighborMike Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>so u and your drunk buddy are rolling around like fruits at a new years eve party and u choke some one out and u assume that u know what your doing?

    i have no vendette against u, your posts are just stupid

    it dosent take years to learn a gullutine, but the bottom line is if u do it wrong, u can end up in a bad situation if u dont know how to let go of the hold when u cant do it right, i think some one accually posted a story about it happining year

    u do not train, u dont know what can or cant happin if u do something right or wrong, i was trying to explain to u how cro-cop did a good job captializing on the mistakes that kevin made, but u dont seem to want to listen or even give cro-cop credit for what he did

    go watch randleman waterman, waterman trys the same thing crocop did but does it wrong, kevin lifts him up and slams him. [/b][/quote]

    thats my exact post that u did not respond too

    and why does anyone need to post and defend me when im doing a perfectly good job of handling you myself?
  8. flex

    flex Scrub

    Feb 15, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :D [/b][/quote]
    Almost as funny as "Mirko's expert BBJ shown against Randleman" :D [/b][/quote]
    you have tottally no arguement against what I said, now your saying wandy got owned by hunt when a huge majority of people (including hunt) thought wandy won [/b][/quote]
    Actually you got owned and exposed pretty bad on that subject matter, no response was needed. :drink: [/b][/quote]
    there was a reponse needed, your claim is that you can gullutine your little friend in the front yard of some ones house, that anyone can do it

    i said, go watch waterman/randleman and see what happins when you try a gullutine wrong, and why its a prime example of showing how mirko did a good job, becuase a fight before randleman escaped the very same move

    then you did not respond[/b][/quote]

    My claim was that Mirko CroCop's victory by gullotine choke was in no way a display of masterful BJJ or any indication that he is a BJJ master.

    What I did say was the the Gullotine is the easiest submission to use and defend against only second to the school yard headlock. I used an example of a personal expeince with it as futher evidence that it doesn't take a BJJ expert ot use it.

    Anyway you said that CroCop showed excellent BJJ in pulling a Gullotine on Kevin and I said that it was more a display of CroCop instivly pulling the Gullotine and using his his STRENGTH not master BJJ (Like you said) to submitt CroCop.

    face it dude, you just tried to dissagree with me on that thread cause you don't like me got owned for it. MCtheruggedman -1. That just the way it is.
  9. NeighborMike

    NeighborMike Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> :D [/b][/quote]
    Almost as funny as "Mirko's expert BBJ shown against Randleman" :D [/b][/quote]
    you have tottally no arguement against what I said, now your saying wandy got owned by hunt when a huge majority of people (including hunt) thought wandy won [/b][/quote]
    Actually you got owned and exposed pretty bad on that subject matter, no response was needed. :drink: [/b][/quote]
    there was a reponse needed, your claim is that you can gullutine your little friend in the front yard of some ones house, that anyone can do it

    i said, go watch waterman/randleman and see what happins when you try a gullutine wrong, and why its a prime example of showing how mirko did a good job, becuase a fight before randleman escaped the very same move

    then you did not respond[/b][/quote]

    My claim was that Mirko CroCop's victory by gullotine choke was in no way a display of masterful BJJ or any indication that he is a BJJ master.

    What I did say was the the Gullotine is the easiest submission to use and defend against only second to the school yard headlock. I used an example of a personal expeince with it as futher evidence that it doesn't take a BJJ expert ot use it.

    Anyway you said that CroCop showed excellent BJJ in pulling a Gullotine on Kevin and I said that it was more a display of CroCop instivly pulling the Gullotine and using his his STRENGTH not master BJJ (Like you said) to submitt CroCop.

    face it dude, you just tried to dissagree with me on that thread cause you don't like me got owned for it. MCtheruggedman -1. That just the way it is. [/b][/quote]
    the point of being on this message board is to talk and dispute about things

    now it just so happins u constantly post things that are wrong,and becuase i can show otherwise, i reply to you.
    if you didnt post things that were wrong, i would never say shit, matter of fact if u said something correct for once ide even go as far as to back you up

    i did not say that cro-cop was a BJJ master for pulling the submission, what i did say was he did a great job at doing it properly, and i based that off an earlier fight on what can happin if you do it wrong

    you come back saying that you can submit your buddy while rolling around in the front yard, and of course u admitted u have never been in a ring so u have no idea what its like, but u still compaire that to real fighting

    with that alone u have no basis to "own" me
    and i said no lies what so ever, there is proof u did not respond and proof on everything u said, there is also proof on the waterman/randleman fighter
  10. flex

    flex Scrub

    Feb 15, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    the point of being on this message board is to talk and dispute about things

    now it just so happins u constantly post things that are wrong,and becuase i can show otherwise, i reply to you.
    if you didnt post things that were wrong, i would never say shit, matter of fact if u said something correct for once ide even go as far as to back you up

    i did not say that cro-cop was a BJJ master for pulling the submission, what i did say was he did a great job at doing it properly, and i based that off an earlier fight on what can happin if you do it wrong

    you come back saying that you can submit your buddy while rolling around in the front yard, and of course u admitted u have never been in a ring so u have no idea what its like, but u still compaire that to real fighting

    with that alone u have no basis to "own" me
    and i said no lies what so ever, there is proof u did not respond and proof on everything u said, there is also proof on the waterman/randleman fighter [/b][/quote]
    Stop beating around the bush and hiding behind tangents. The real issue here is that you said is was CroCop's display of excellent BJJ that subbed Kevin and I said that it was more a display of CroCop good instincts and strength that subbed Kevin.

    Our real point of dispute is not the lies about a "Front Yard"? you keep bringing up, It actually happened in the driveway but that's not the issue.

    The real issue is the Gullotine, according to you it takes a BJJ master to execute a gullotine or at least you made is sound like that (probably the hatred blinding you). I dissagreed saying that the Guillotine is one of the easiest and first submissions you learn the execute and defend against when doing any kind of grappling.

    I'll stick with my opinion and you can stick with your CroCop's masterful BJJ display opinion.

    and OMG, quit with the "you never been in the ring" shit. How many sanctioned MMA events have you competed in?

    If you have I'll look you record up right now.

    So your saying since I have never competed in a sanctioned MMA event means I don't know shit about it? How many people on this board have actually competed, I guess no one here knows shit huh?

    Hey I wrestled in high school. If you count that I've competed hundreds of times but I don't count that myself.

    Anyway the last point I making on this issue is that the guillotine is such a simple and submission to use and defend against that I believe that good insticts and strength can lead to an effective guillotine especially if your opponent slips into you like Randleman to CroCop.

    End of discussion.

    By the way Randy #1
  11. NeighborMike

    NeighborMike Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>
    the point of being on this message board is to talk and dispute about things

    now it just so happins u constantly post things that are wrong,and becuase i can show otherwise, i reply to you.
    if you didnt post things that were wrong, i would never say shit, matter of fact if u said something correct for once ide even go as far as to back you up

    i did not say that cro-cop was a BJJ master for pulling the submission, what i did say was he did a great job at doing it properly, and i based that off an earlier fight on what can happin if you do it wrong

    you come back saying that you can submit your buddy while rolling around in the front yard, and of course u admitted u have never been in a ring so u have no idea what its like, but u still compaire that to real fighting

    with that alone u have no basis to "own" me
    and i said no lies what so ever, there is proof u did not respond and proof on everything u said, there is also proof on the waterman/randleman fighter [/b][/quote]
    Stop beating around the bush and hiding behind tangents. The real issue here is that you said is was CroCop's display of excellent BJJ that subbed Kevin and I said that it was more a display of CroCop good instincts and strength that subbed Kevin.

    Our real point of dispute is not the lies about a "Front Yard"? you keep bringing up, It actually happened in the driveway but that's not the issue.

    The real issue is the Gullotine, according to you it takes a BJJ master to execute a gullotine or at least you made is sound like that (probably the hatred blinding you). I dissagreed saying that the Guillotine is one of the easiest and first submissions you learn the execute and defend against when doing any kind of grappling.

    I'll stick with my opinion and you can stick with your CroCop's masterful BJJ display opinion.

    and OMG, quit with the "you never been in the ring" shit. How many sanctioned MMA events have you competed in?

    If you have I'll look you record up right now.

    So your saying since I have never competed in a sanctioned MMA event means I don't know shit about it? How many people on this board have actually competed, I guess no one here knows shit huh?

    Hey I wrestled in high school. If you count that I've competed hundreds of times but I don't count that myself.

    Anyway the last point I making on this issue is that the guillotine is such a simple and submission to use and defend against that I believe that good insticts and strength can lead to an effective guillotine especially if your opponent slips into you like Randleman to CroCop.

    End of discussion.

    By the way Randy #1
    theclub [/b][/quote]
    you admit u have never fought in a sanctioned MMA event? So how can you compaire you tapping out some kid in a "driveway" to fighting MMA?

    and used cro-cop used good BJJ on randleman, randleman knows how to get out of the sub and cro-cop did a great job and keeping him in there

    and I have fought both amatuer MMA and boxing, and im a "professional" fighter if u wonna consider the fact people pay me to spar them due to my skill level.

    but ive been there and done that, go take a BJJ class and see how hard it is to get that hold off on some one beside your drunkin buddy in a front yard
  12. GeeNOMoney

    GeeNOMoney Im Banned

    Dec 13, 2002
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    y'all still argueing / reading / replying to flex' stuff ? :D :D :Oscar after a bodyshot:
  13. sexperienced

    sexperienced Leap-Amateur

    Sep 3, 2004
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